Introduction Music Buddy has been created as a resource for children attending music lessons in Tin Whistle and Mandolin in Gaelscoil Uí Fhiaich, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. The children range in age from 7 to 13 incorporating beginners and advanced on both instruments. Here on Music Buddy children have the opportunity to practise the tunes they have been introduced to at their weekly lessons. The Downloads section allows students (with the permission and supervision of their parents) to download players they might need to hear the tunes. Each set of notes for every tune has an audio file symbol.....All you need to do is click on the file and listen to the piece of music. Then you can practice the tune looking at the notes. New tunes will be posted on the website as they are introduced in the lessons. A Mandolin Quiz and a Tin Whistle Quiz have been included to test the students knowledge on their instrument. Pictures showing the correct way to hold each instrument and exercises covered in the lessons help to avoid bad habits being developed. Any questions re. the site can be emailed to the tutor. Music Buddy will include a section in which the students can hear their group performing tunes as the lessons progress. Remember, the aim of Music Buddy is to help you enjoy your music. If you have any suggestions that might improve the site just email them on. |
Home Tin Whistle Lessons Mandolin Lessons