Table Tennis Ireland
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The Irish Table Tennis Association
Irish Table Tennis Association Ltd
Draft Strategic Plan
July 1999
This plan is under review and a new development strategy is due to be published in 2003.
Prepared by Noel Keating Associates following a three day Planning Conference with ITTA representatives
Mission Statement |
Policies |
Administration |
Funding |
Coach Education |
Marketing |
Recreation and Youth |
Clubs/Schools |
Tournaments |
High Performance |
Referee/Umpires |
Equipment/Facilities |
Development |
Plan Implementation |
ITTA Mission Statement
The ITTA is committed to providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to play Table Tennis to their full potential, throughout the island of Ireland.
ITTA Vision 2003
By the year 2003, the ITTA will:
Have established organised Table Tennis in every county in Ireland,
Be widely recognised organisation
Have raised the quality and numbers of coaches at all levels,
Have a permanent office and full-time administrator
Be ranked in the top 3rd in world Table Tennis,
Encompass all strands,
Have increased membership of players and administrators.
ITTA Policies
The ITTA is a gender equity organisation
The ITTA respects individuals, particularly young people,
Irish Table Tennis is a drug-free sport,
The ITTA is anti-sectarian,
The ITTA is an All-Ireland Sports Organisation of people committed to playing and promoting Table Tennis.
Analysis of ITTA Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats
ITTA Strengths
Table Tennis can be played by all ages.
There is a strong commitment from those involved in voluntary administration.
Table Tennis is a worldwide sport.
Table Tennis is played year-round.
Table Tennis is inexpensive to play at recreational level.
Table Tennis is a non-contact sport.
It is an individual and team sport.
It is mentally challenging.
It has a small space requirement.
ITTA lacks a strategic plan for the sport.
There are too few administrators at all levels.
There is a lack of competent working coaches.
Many top players drop out at 17 years.
Irish Table Tennis has a poor image among its public(s)
The ITTA does not have a headquarters.
There is a lack of relevant communication systems within the sport.
There is a lack of international success.
The sport has a low national media profile.
There are barriers to engaging young people at competitive level.
It has a poor spread nation-wide.
Irish government support for Irish Table Tennis is growing, particularly for organisations, which have a strategic plan for their future development.
Sky Sports has increased television coverage of Table Tennis.
Both TV3 and TnaG provide new television opportunities to promote the sport.
All island developments at political level could help further develop Table Tennis as an all-island sport.
There are opportunities for strategic alliances with other sports, particularly those with their own indoor halls.
Some key people in Irish business have played Table Tennis.
Table Tennis is popular among females and there is an opportunity to significantly increase membership by females.
Many volunteer administrators and coaches reach burnout and leave the sport.
The understandable introduction of a code of ethics, increased insurance costs and changes in emphasis in Irish education could make it more difficult for the ITTA to achieve its goals for the future.
Key Areas of Operation
Coach Education
Young People - Foundation
Participation - Clubs/Schools
Performance - Tournaments
High Performance - Elite
Referee/Umpire's Education
Plan Implementation
Goal: To improve the quality of the administration of Table Tennis throughout the island of Ireland.
Current Position:
The ITTA is currently an all-volunteer sports organisation with no headquarters. While the administrators available at National level are extremely committed, the fact that too few handle too many jobs leads to burnout and the loss to the sport of committed people. There is a need to improve the relevant communications systems within the sport so those members at all levels are kept informed and are motivated to contribute.
To have a permanent ITTA office
To have a full-time administrator with secretarial assistance
To provide training programmes for club administrators
Action Plan:
Research the feasibility of a permanent office including options, costs and locations (Responsibility ISM)
Research how other sports have initiated and developed full time administration, personnel and facilities. (Responsibility ISM)
Research opportunities available under FAS schemes, Irish sports council schemes and Northern Ireland sports council schemes (Responsibility ISM)
Research and design a syllabus for the development of club administrators and organise one course per year (Responsibility NCDC)
Goal: to significantly increase the funding from all available sources.
Current Position:
Current annual turn over at approximately £100,000 needs to be substantially increased during the lifetime of this plan. It is unacceptable that players representing their country often have to pay to do so. It is the view of the Association that the ITTA receives disproportionate amount of Government and sponsorship funding for its size. Fund raising would need to be included as one of the tasks assigned to a new administrator and a professional approach to fund raising will need to be adopted by the ITTA. While relatively inexpensive to play at recreational level, it is very expensive to play Table Tennis at performance and elite levels.
To increase funding from the Irish government by 100% during the life-time of the plan
To increase funding from the ITTA membership fees by 25% during the lifetime of the plan
To increase revenue from sponsorship by £10,000 per year.
To increase revenue from other sources by £5,000 per year.
Action Plan:
To submit a strategic plan to the Irish sports council by summer 1999 and to liase with the Irish sports Council, the Sports council for Northern Ireland and their support units, on a regular basis (Responsibility ISM/Administrator)
To sell the plan and the need for extra funding to the branches (Responsibility ISM/Administrator)
To develop a membership package to be sent to all members (Responsibility NCDC/Administrator)
To review sponsorship opportunities and agree a sponsorship strategy availing of former Table Tennis players where possible (Responsibility ISM/Administrator)
To review funding opportunities from other sources (Responsibility ISM/Administrator)
To provide a four-year budget and also operational budgets annually (Responsibilities Treasurer/ISM)
To review the ITTA accounting system with a view to presenting a detailed analysis of income and expenditure (Responsibility ITTA Treasurer)
Coach Education
Goal: To improve the quality and quantity of ITTA Coaches.
Current Position:
There is an urgent need to increase the number of qualified coaches throughout the island. Two coaches are now recognised as NCTC tutors and there is a need to increase the number of accredited tutors each year.
To review and recognise the responsibility for coach education
To increase the number of NCTC accredited tutors by one annually
To increase the number of assisted accredited tutors by one annually
To complete the syllabi for each level
To simulate current ITTA coaches with NCTC Levels
To develop a coaching manual which can be easily updated
Action Plan:
To organise a joint meeting of ISM, NCTC and NTSE to agree responsibility for coach education (Responsibility ISM)
To agree and support candidates for NCTC tutor courses (Responsibility of New Group)
To agree and support candidates for the positions of support tutors (Responsibility of New Group)
To finalise the level two syllabus (Responsibility John O'Donoghue)
To complete syllabi for the other NCTC levels (Responsibility of New Group)
To maintain a register of all ITTA coaches (Responsibility of New Group)
To simulate current ITTA coaches with NCTC levels before 2001 (Responsibility of New Group)
To develop a new coaching manual (Responsibility of New Group)
Goal: To raise the profile and public awareness of Table Tennis in Ireland.
Current Position:
Table Tennis is considered a minority sport in Ireland by its members and by the general public, by the media and by sponsors despite the fact that there are in excess of 250,000 people of all ages playing the game recreational and competitively throughout the island of Ireland. While media support is very good at local level, it is almost non-existent at national level. The ITTA needs to improve both its internal and external communications systems so that the mistaken view of Table Tennis as a minority sport can be turned around.
To increase media coverage at national level by 10% per year above current levels as measured.
To improve our communication channels internally.
To improve communication channels externally.
Action Plan:
To measure the current media levels of exposure (Responsibility PRO)
To meet with media editors of all National media with a view to increasing coverage (Responsibility of PRO/Administrator)
To develop a regular internal newsletter (Responsibility of Administrator)
To change the ITTA logo and ITTA imagery (Responsibility of Administrator)
To develop individual membership cards (Responsibility of Administrator)
To continue the regular press release system (Responsibility of PRO)
Recreational and Young People
Goal: To introduce the enjoyment of Table Tennis to as many people as possible on the island of Ireland.
Current Position:
Large numbers of adults and young people of both sexes play Table Tennis recreational. Many are not affiliated to the ITTA. There are opportunities to formally involve these players as members of the Association. Table Tennis can be played in homes, public parks, schools, and workplaces and requires little space. Tables can range from the highly sophisticated International standard to the all-weather concrete boards and net which Irish families going abroad regularly play on in campsites. The ITTA needs to actively promote the game as an accessible, inexpensive, enjoyable and skilful pastime.
To increase the number of recreational players affiliated to the ITTA to 5,000.
To increase the awareness of the opportunities to play Table Tennis in every primary and post-primary school and youth club in Ireland.
To promote Table Tennis as a recreational sport in tourist and recreation locations such as hotels, leisure centres and shopping centres.
To promote Table Tennis as an excellent family game which can be played in homes.
Action Plan:
Develop a new attractive membership package aimed at encouraging recreational players to affiliate to the ITTA (Responsibility of Management)
Develop and circulate an information package on Table Tennis to every primary school, post-primary school, youth club and major shopping and leisure location in Ireland (Responsibility of Management)
Approach potential media and sponsor partners to support a campaign to promote Table Tennis as a family game in homes (Responsibility of Management)
Approach County committees of the Community Games organisation with a view to encouraging larger numbers to play table tennis in the community Games (Responsibility of NCDC)
Clubs and Schools Table Tennis
Goal: To increase the numbers of schools and clubs playing competitive Table Tennis
Current Position:
There has been a decline in the numbers of affiliated schools and clubs in recent years. The decline in club numbers is partly due to amalgamation of smaller clubs into more viable, larger units.
To increase the number of primary and post-primary schools playing competitive Table Tennis under the ITTA by 50%
To increase the number of clubs affiliated to the ITTA by 60%
Action Plan:
To develop an action plan in association with the four schools Provincial councils (Responsibility of Con Higgins and John O'Donoghue)
Develop, circulate and personally present a membership package to listed potential ITTA affiliated clubs (Responsibility of NCDC)
Tournament Table Tennis
Goal: To provide quality tournaments for all grades.
Current Position:
The tournament circuit is currently in a very healthy state. There is no need to increase the number of tournaments, but there is a need to improve their quality. The scheduling of tournaments, together with organising joint senior and junior tournaments, needs to be considered.
To formulate appropriate standards for the various classification of tournaments and to incorporate them into ITTA regulations.
Action Plan:
A tournament Regulations committee will be nominated to review current practices and recommend ITTA tournament regulations to be approved by the AGM (Responsibility of Management)
High Performance - Elite Table Tennis
Goal: To support our players to attain their full potential at National and International levels.
Current Position:
The top senior men's' player, Colin Slevin, is ranked 153 out of 567 on the world rankings. The top senior woman is ranked 371 out of 417 on the world rankings. The ITTA needs to increase the number of players on the world rankings and ensure that there is at least one male and female player in the top third during the lifetime of this plan. There are currently two boys and two girls funded under the junior carding system operated by the NCTC. This number needs to be increased over the Plan, also.
To appoint a part time National Coach with a view to appointing a full-time National Coach by the end of the year 2000.
To develop a long-term training and competitive programme for elite players selected by the NTSC.
Action Plan:
To agree a job description for the part time National Coach and to recruit a suitable person (Responsibility of Management/NTSC)
To research and develop an elite coaching competitive programme to include:
Provincial based development squads.
An increase in the number of National camps for under age players.
Identifying and resourcing a small group of elite players whom aspire to reaching the top third in the world.
Increasing the number of International playing opportunities for members of the National Youth Squads (Responsibility of Management/NTSC)
Referee and Umpire Development
Goal: To create opportunities for the education and qualification of referees and umpires.
Current Position:
There is currently one qualified international Umpire and ten National Umpires. A major reorganisation of the development of referees and umpires is required with a view to significantly increasing the numbers of both over the lifetime of the plan.
To identify a number of Umpires who would like to become International referees
To increase the number of active National Umpires by 100% annually.
Action Plan:
Design an Irish syllabus and set up an exam procedure for county and National Umpires (Responsibility of NCDC)
Organise at least one course and examination per year for Umpires (Responsibility of NCDC)
Facilities and Equipment
Goal: To significantly improve the provision of facilities and equipment.
Current Position:
None of the facilities used throughout the island of Ireland are owned by the ITTA and so all halls for National training, tournaments and club practise must be hired. While halls get great occupancy levels from Table Tennis, storage of tables is a major problem and, indeed, a headache for many sports halls. An alternative storage system needs to be designed and recommended to hall owners. There is a long-term need to develop ITTA owned facilities and the feasibility of developing such facilities, as centres of excellence should be researched during the plan. There is particular need to research and promote the particular types of tables, which Table Tennis can be played on.
To research the feasibility of developing an ITTA National Centre and or regional centres.
To purchase two top grade International tables per year.
To encourage local authorities to place outdoor tables in recreational parks.
To have Table Tennis tables recognised as a core PE equipment item for all primary and post-primary schools.
Action Plan:
Appoint a committee or individual to conduct a feasibility study on the development of an ITTA National Centre and/or Regional Centres (Responsibility of Management)
Include an application for Table Tennis tables in each year in the annual Grant (Responsibility of Management)
Meet with each local Authority with a view to requesting them to place outdoor tables in parks (Responsibility of Management)
Meet with relevant section of the Department of Education and Science and request that Table Tennis tables be recognised as a core PE equipment item. (Responsibility of Management)
Goal: To improve and co-ordinate pathways of opportunity to be part of the ITTA Organisation.
Current Position:
It is recognised by the association that there are not enough recognisable pathways for people to be part of the ITTA and to remain in the ITTA as life-long members.
To develop a membership system which encompasses all associated with Irish Table Tennis.
To actively encourage a sense of club membership.
Action Plan:
Review and develop an ITTA membership system for appropriate categories of member (Responsibility of Management)
To encourage clubs and schools to develop special alliances (Responsibility of Management)
To develop an ITTA web site (Responsibility of Management)
Plan Implementation
Goal: To adopt a planning approach to the administration of the ITTA.
To agree, publish, implement and monitor the ITTA Strategic Plan.
To agree and implement yearly Operational Plans.
Action Plan:
Present the draft ITTA strategic plan for discussion and feedback to all affiliated clubs and schools. (Responsibility of Management)
Review the feedback from clubs and schools and amend the draft plan where appropriate. (Responsibility of Management)
Present the final draft of the plan for approval at a Special General Meeting to be held during the 199/2000 season. (Responsibility of Management)
Agree a yearly operational plan to include:
- - targets for each objective of the strategic plan for that year.
- - The identification of who is responsible for implementing the targets.
- - Deadlines for accomplishment of the targets.
- - An Annual budget with specific sections relating to the targets for the year.
- - (Responsibility of Management)
As part of the Annual Operational Plan meeting, amend, if required the Strategic Plan (Responsibility of Management)