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Grasslands and Buffalo

Life of the Plains Indian

Arrival of the Europeans

What happened the Plains people

The Plains Tribes today

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Hunting the Buffalo  
  The buffalo is a very large and powerful animal and the natives of the Plains had to be careful when trying to hunt it. The traditional way to kill the huge animals was to drive them into a corral and shoot them with arrows and with spears. However, it was sometimes possible to kill a large number of buffalo at the one time by driving a herd over a cliff. One ‘buffalo jump’ could provide food for a whole year or more.
Traditional Buffalo Hunting

A 'buffalo jump'

A 'buffalo jump'

  gun and horse

Among the things the Europeans brought with them to North America were horses and guns. The native people were amazed by the horse, which they nicknamed God Dog. Hunting the buffalo became much easier for the Peoples of the Plains with horses and guns. However, the arrival of the White Man would be disastrous for the Native American way of life.

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