Caring for 
Ourselves and Others in School. 


 “Treat others, as you would like them to treat you” is the motto of our school.

Our school is a happy, welcoming place for pupils, parents and staff.  We do our best to get along together, of course at times we have rows, and incidents of bullying, but we manage to make it up and be friends. When new pupils come to our school we make special efforts to help them feel welcome and settle in.  We have school rules to guide us.  They are there for our safety and for the safety of others. We are encouraged to care for others, to be kind and respectful to everybody, to care for our own belongings and that of the school and to be polite and mannerly at all times.

We have a Healthy Schools Lunch Policy in our school for a number of years. Chewing gum, crisps, sweets and other junk food are not allowed. We bring sandwiches, yoghurts, fruit, milk, water and fruit juice. We bring our drinks in reusable bottles and our sandwiches in our lunch boxes. Tin foil, juice cartons, cling film etc are all banned from our school, because they create a lot of rubbish.

 We learn in school about keeping healthy, how to take care of our bodies by eating healthy food, take plenty of exercise, get enough sleep and not watch too much T.V.  If we get sick in school the teacher phones our parents to come and collect us. If somebody falls in the yard we are looked after.

 When we are playing a game we know we must not exclude anybody, even though it does happen sometimes. The 6th class are very good at looking after the infants and when it is raining they look after them while the teacher has her break. Last year we did Shared Reading. This is when a pupil in a senior class is paired with a pupil in a junior class and reads with them for 15 minutes each day for a length of time. Besides helping the reading it also helps us to make friends.
We are encouraged to be generous in class; we share our pencils and markers with each other. If teacher asks us to help someone with his or her lesson we do it.

We try to leave our classroom tidy in the evening so that Marie (our caretaker) will not have too much work to do. We help the teacher on playground duty to tidy up and pick up any litter that may be thrown about. In autumn we sweep up the leaves with Sr. Nuala, and rake the grass in summer.

In our school we have Fire Drills twice every term. The fire drills help us to be ready in case of a fire. When the alarm goes off we stand up in our places, and quickly leave the classroom, walk down the stairs two classes at a time, out to the fire assembly point in the yard. Once out side the teachers call the roll to make sure no one is missing.

Many pupils from infants to 6th class are members of our school Credit Union. Every Friday at 10.30 three 6th class girls run the scheme. This scheme encourages us to save money.  Would you believe that since we started saving we have accumulated savings of almost €6,000!

We are made aware of Waste Management in our school. In 1991 we introduced recycling and litter awareness. Our school has often won prizes in the Co. Council tidy schools competitions and some pupils have won prizes for litter awareness projects. This is caring for the environment.

 We are encouraged to read lots of books. Many of us are members of the local Library, which is just beside the school Mary and Aishling, who work in the library, are very good for helping us and organising events, like a visit from
Don Conroy. 

Visitors to our school say, that we are very friendly and mannerly. We are proud of our school.

 By Grace Brennan and Kelly Coogan.

Special Needs People
Caring for the Elderly
Caring in the Community
Caring for our Environment