Cláraigh - Register
Bardaigh Clárithe - Registered Bardaigh
Fóram - Forum
Online Resources -
Líonláithráin - Websites
Ailt, Irisí agus araile - Articles, Journals etc.
Údarás Áitiúila agus Oifigigh Oidhreachta - Local Authorities and Heritage Officers
Riomhphoist Seandálaíochta - Archaeological E-Mail Directory
Cláraigh Anseo - Register Here
This is a newly launched project and we're still awaiting membership. If you wish to register then please get in touch. The sample profile below will tell you the kind of information to include in your email. Your profile will then be available here for others to see. An asterisk (*) denotes required information.
- Personal Details.
Ainm - Name: Mac Uí Rudaí *
Riomhphoist - E-Mail: macuírudaí@hotmail.com *
Áit - Location: Co. Cill Mhaintain. - Wicklow *
Clárithe - Joined: 21-03-06
Site Details.
Name of Site/feature/area etc: Suídhe Finn - Seefin *
Location: Co. Cill Mhaintain - Wicklow *
Description: Suidhe Finn passage tomb and it's surrounding envoironment*
Nearest Town: Kilbride *
O.S Grif Reference: o016 719
Local Authority: Wicklow County Council
Heritage Officer:
Deirdre Burns
Wicklow County Council
County Buildings
T: [0404] 20100
F: [0404] 67792
E: dburns@wicklowcoco.ie