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The History of Games and Pastimes

A Webquest by Fifth and Sixth Mixed Class

Group One: Group Two: Group Three: Group Four: Group Five:


Games played in the Ancient cities

Skittles played in Rome

The game of skittles was played on the roads.Skittles were homemade.A piece of log at four inches in diameter and a foot long.The pegs were about four inches high and cut from pieces of wool one inche in diameter.A circle three feet in diameter was drawen on the road.A cross was drawen in the center.One peg was placed upright in the center.Each peg had a different value from one to five.



Music in Eygpt

music The ancient Eygptions loved music.Noblemen held great parties were women danced to instruments such as harps,flutes,cymbles and sistrums.The flutes were made of wood and hollowed out ,with several holes for fingers.


Five in a row played by Romans {1}

Five in a row was played by Romans as a pastime. It was played with stones and pebbles on a wooden board. It had sixthy four squares on it.The winner was the fist person to get five in a row. It was a bit complicated for others because your foe also blocked your stones from letting you get a five in a row so they could get five in a row. This game could go on for hours and there is not always a winner.

Five in a row played by Romans {2}

It is possible that five in a row was played on the same boards as Latrunculi.The greeks played this which would mean the romans played it too.Five in a row is very simple that children invented a modren version of it.This game might have been played from as early as 2000 -3000 BCE.The Romans when playing called it Ludus calculorum.


Leap Frog played by Ancient Egyption

Some of the outdoor games played by ancient Egyption children are still played by children now. Leap frog, a game which involves bending over so your teamates can jump over you, and vice vearsa, is still played now. So is khuzza lawizza, a variationon leapfrog where 2 children sit on the floor with their hands touching. The object of the game is for other children to continue to be able to jump over their arms as they raise them higher and higher.



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