Marking Policy
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The purpose of marking is to enable pupils to improve their work. It is not intended as a means of undermining pupils’ self-esteem, and the emphasis therefore will be on acknowledging the merit in a piece of work, and then suggesting ways to improve it.

Especially in the junior classes, marking will be simple, positive and child-friendly. Use will be made of stickers, smiley faces and stars.

Marking should provide pupils and parents with clear and relevant feedback, suggestions for improvement and goals to be achieved

Marking should be part of a continuous process – continuity in marking style is very important. A consistent whole school approach is required which remains flexible with regard to the needs of the individual child.

There is no necessity to mark every spelling mistake in a piece of work, and it should be emphasised that mistakes are pointed out to enable children to improve their spelling.

Ideally, the correction of spellings should be done in the presence of the child

Children’s attitudes to spelling change when the positive aspects of their attempts to spell a word are pointed out, e.g., point out the letters which are right in a word

Spelling mistakes should be underlined and `sp’ put in the margin

At the end of a piece of writing, teachers might write the first three letters of the mis-spelt word, and the pupils then complete the correction

If appropriate, the teacher writes down the word for correction

If the same mistake is repeated, it is only marked once

If a common error is discovered, class discussion might take place on families of words or words associated with a particular topic

An able child will have most, if not all, mistakes pointed out

In the case of a child with spelling difficulties, only key words will be corrected

In the early stages of writing, the pupils need time to read their own pieces of work to the teacher, to notice and to question how words are spelled and to extend the range of words they can spell themselves, e.g., commonly used words and words that are important to them.

A copy of the marking policy should be given to parents

Editing Symbols / Marking Policy

The Target

Symbol (written in the margin)


Indicate a good point / Possible improvement could still be suggested
Indicate an incorrect point x Write down correct answer or discuss
Indicate that something doesn’t make sense ? Put an explanation in the margin or an *
Indicate a spelling mistake Put a circle around word and `Sp’ in the margin Write the correct word or first 3 letters or just `sp’. [Note school spelling policy]
A word or phrase is missing ^^ Put in a few words
Full stop missing FS Put in a few full stops
Capital letter missing C Put in a few capitals
New paragraph required NP
Over used words ~~
Sentence mixed up MM
Direct Speech "   "

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