Strand: Living things
Variety and characteristics of humans
- Develop a simple understanding of the structure of some
of the body’s major internal and external organs
Human life processes
- Develop a simple understanding of food and nutrition
- Become aware of and investigate breathing
- Identify and understand ways in which the body protects
itself against disease and infection
Strand: Energy and forces
Strand unit: Light
- Learn that light is a
form of energy
- Know that light travels from a source
- Investigate the splitting and mixing of light
- Investigate the refraction of light
- Investigate how mirrors and other shiny surfaces are
good reflectors of light
- Explore how objects may be magnified
- Appreciate the importance of sight
- Understand the role of sunlight in photosynthesis
- Be aware of the dangers of excessive sunlight
Strand unit: Sound
- Learn that sound is a form of energy
- Recognise and identify of sounds
- Understand and explore how different sounds may be made
- Design and make simple woodwind instruments
- Explore how sound travels through materials
- Appreciate the importance of hearing
Strand unit: Heat
- Experiment with a range of materials to establish that
heat may be transferred in different ways
- Recognise a variety of source of heat
- Know that heat energy may be transferred
- Measure and record temperature using a thermometer
Strand : Materials
Strand unit: Properties and characteristics of
- Recognise that materials can be in solid, liquid or gas
- Identify and investigate a widening range of materials
in the immediate environment
- Explore the origins of these materials
- Group material according to their properties
- Identify how materials are used
- Recognise that a gas occupies space, has mass and
exerts pressure
- Recognise that some materials decay naturally while
others survive for a long time in the environment
- Become aware that air is composed of different gases
- Become aware of some of the practical applications of
these gases in everyday life
Strand unit: materials and change
Heating and cooling
- Explore the effects of heating and cooling on a range
of solids, gases and liquids
- Experiment to establish which materials are good
conductors of heat or good insulators
- Identify ways in which home s and buildings are heated
and insulated
- Recognise how heating and cooling can be used to
preserve food
Mixing, separating and other changes
- Investigate how a wide range of materials can be
changed by mixing
- Investigate the effects of
light, air and water on materials
- Examine the changes that take place on materials when
physical forces are applied
- Recognise that oxygen is required for burning
- Explore some simple ways in which materials may be
Strand: Environmental awareness and care
Strand: Environmental awareness
- Identify positive aspects of natural and built
environments through observation, discussion and recording
- Explore some examples of the interrelationship of
living and non-living aspects of the local and other environments
- Become aware of the importance of the Earth’s
renewable and non-renewable resources
- Foster an appreciation of the ways in which people use
the Earth’s resources
- Come to appreciate the need to conserve resources
Strand unit: Science and the environment
- Appreciate the application of science and technology in
familiar contexts
- Examine some ways that science and technology have
contributed positively to the use of the Earth’s resources
- Recognise the contribution of scientists to society
- Recognise and investigate aspects of human activities
that may have positive or adverse effects on environments
Strand unit: Caring for the environment
- Participate in activities that contribute to the
enhancement of the environment
- Identify and discuss a local, national or global
environmental issue
- Come to appreciate individual, community and national
responsibility for environmental care
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