Skills Development
*Throughout their science investigations, the children
should be aware of and encouraged to adopt safe practices. They should adopt
safety procedures in designing and making tasks, particularly when they are
using tools and instruments.
Working scientifically
- Ask questions about animals and plants, familiar
objects and events in the immediate environment
- Use the senses to observe animals, plants, objects and
events in the immediate environment
- Observe characteristics such as the shape, size,
colour, pattern, texture, sound and smell of familiar things in the
- Observe differences and similarities
- Guess and suggest what will happen next in structured
Investigating and experimenting
- Carry out simple experiments
Estimating and measuring
- Describe mass and length using non-standard units
- Compare and estimate
- Match objects of equal length
Sorting and classifying
- Sort and group objects according to observable features
Recording and communicating
- Describe observations orally
- Represent findings pictorially
Designing and making
- Handle
and manipulate a range of materials in structured and unstructured situations
- Observe, investigate and describe familiar objects
- Imagine and suggest a possible object to be made
- Choose appropriate materials from a given limited range
- Talk about a plan and communicate it to others
- Make simple objects
- Develop craft-handling skills and techniques
- Use a range of tools
- Use a range of materials
- Talk about own work during design and making tasks
- Report to others on
what he has done
- Discuss the work of peers
Content Strands
Strand: Living Things
Strand Unit: Myself
The child should be enabled to:
Variety and characteristics of humans
- Identify parts of the male and female body
- Recognise and measure physical similarities and
differences between people
Human life processes
- Become
aware of some changes that occur in children as they grow and mature
- Become aware that people have a variety of needs for
- Develop an awareness of human birth
- Use all the senses to become aware of and explore
Strand unit: Plants and animals
Variety and characteristics of living things
- Observe, discuss and identify a variety of plants and
animals in different habitats in the environment
- Become aware of animals and plants in other
- Sort and group living things into sets
- Recognise and identify the external parts of living
Processes of life
- Observe growth and change in living things
- Explore conditions for growth of bulbs and seeds
- Become aware that plants and animals undergo seasonal
change in appearance and behaviour
Strand: Energy and forces
- Identify and name different colours
- Sort objects into sets according to colour
- Observe colours in the local environment
- Explore dark and bright colours
- Discuss differences between day and night, light and
- Recognise and identify a variety of sounds in the
- Identify and differentiate between high and low sounds,
loud and soft sounds
- Explore ways of making different sounds using a variety
of materials
- Recognise the difference between hot and cold in terms
of weather, food, water and the body
- Identify ways of keeping objects and substances warm
and cold
Magnetism and electricity
- Use magnets of different shapes and sizes
- Investigate the fact that magnets attract different
- Become aware of the uses of electricity in the home and
at school
- Identify some household appliances that use electricity
- Become aware of the dangers of electricity
- Explore forces such as pushing and pulling
- Explore how the shape of objects can be changed by
pushing and pulling and other forces
- Investigate how forces act on objects
Strand: Materials
- Observe and investigate a range of familiar materials
in the immediate environment
- Describe and compare materials, noting the differences
in the colour, shape and texture
- Know about some everyday uses of common materials
- Group materials according to certain criteria
Materials and change
- Explore the effects of water on a variety of materials
- Observe and describe materials when they are wet and
- Identify some materials that are waterproof
- Explore the effects of heating and cooling on everyday
objects, materials and substances
Strand: Environmental awareness and care
Caring for my locality
- Observe and appreciate the attributes of the local
- Appreciate that people share the environment with plant
and animal life
- Identify, discuss and implement simple strategies for
improving and caring for the environment
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