Junior Infants
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Source Book: All Around Me

Term 1:

Living Things

  • Myself (page 2)
  • My Body (page 4)
  • Food (pp. 14 and 41)

Plants and Animals

  • Pp. 5,6, 7, 8, 12.

Term 2:

  • Myself (growing -up) - pp. 26, 27


  • Hard and soft (p. 28)

Living Things

  • Spring (pp. 29 -31)

Energy and Forces

  • Water (pp. 34 -36)
  • Floating and sinking


  • Absorbency of water (p. 34)


  • Floating Boat

Third Term

Living Things

  • Pp. 40, 42, 43, 44.

Plants and animals

Energy and forces

  • Magnets (p. 48)
  • Hot and cold (p. 19)

Environmental awareness

  • Seasons

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