Sixth Class
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Strand: Living things

Strand unit: Plant and animal life

Variety and characteristics of living things

  • Observe , identify and examine the plants and animals that live in local habitats and environments
  • Develop an increasing awareness of plants and animals from wider environments
  • Identify the interrelationships and interdependence between plants and animals in local and other habitats
  • Become aware of the sun as a source of energy for plants
  • Observe and explore some ways in which animal and plant life is influenced, or adapted to, environmental conditions
  • Recognise that there is a great diversity of plants and  animals in different regions and environments
  • Group and compare living things into sets
  • Become familiar with the characteristics of some major groups of living things
  • Construct and use simple keys to identify locally occurring species of plants and animals

Processes of life

  • Become aware of some of the basic life process in animals and plants
  • Investigate the factors that affect plant growth
  • Understand some ways in which plants reproduce

Strand: Energy and forces

Strand unit: Magnetism and electricity

  • Learn that magnets can push and pull materials
  • Investigate how magnets may be made
  • Explore the use of magnets to lift and hold objects
  • Learn about electrical energy
  • Investigate current  electricity by constructing simple circuits
  • Become aware of how some common electrical appliances work
  • Become aware of and understand the dangers of electricity

Strand unit: Forces

  • Identify and explore how objects and materials may be moved
  • Explore the effect of friction on movement
  • Explore how friction can generate heat
  • Come to appreciate that gravity is a force
  • Become aware that objects have weight because of the pull of gravity
  • Explore how levers may be used to lift different objects

Strand: Environmental awareness and care

Strand: Environmental awareness

  • Identify positive aspects of natural and built environments through observation, discussion and recording
  • Explore some examples of the interrelationship of living and non-living aspects of the local and other environments
  • Become aware of the importance of the Earth’s renewable and non-renewable resources
  • Foster an appreciation of the ways in which people use the Earth’s resources
  • Come to appreciate the need to conserve resources

Strand unit: Science and the environment

  • Appreciate the application of science and technology in familiar contexts
  • Examine some ways that science and technology have contributed positively to the use of the Earth’s resources
  • Recognise the contribution of scientists to society
  • Recognise and investigate aspects of human activities that may have positive or adverse effects on environments

Strand unit: Caring for the environment

  • Participate in activities that contribute to the enhancement of the environment
  • Identify and discuss a local, national or global environmental issue
  • Come to appreciate individual, community and national responsibility for environmental care

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