An awareness of line
- Begin to discover that lines can have a variety of
qualities and can make shapes
- Create movement with lines
- Begin to represent familiar figures and objects with
free lines and shapes
An awareness of shape
- Begin to develop sensitivity to qualities of flat shape
- Invent and work with shapes that have a variety of
An awareness of form
- Become aware of the 3D nature of form and of form in
objects volume in a toy, a ball, a box
- Handle, feel, manipulate and begin to form clay
An awareness of colour and tone
- Become sensitive to colour
- Recognise and mix primary colour and tones
- Distinguish between light and dark colours
- Use colour expressively
An awareness of texture
- Begin to explore the relationship between how things
feel and how they look
- Create texture with a variety of materials and tools
An awareness of pattern and rhythm
- Become aware of pattern and rhythm in visual
surroundings raindrop in a puddle, clouds in the sky, markings on a
An awareness of space
- Become aware of how people and objects take-up space
- Examine simple structures in the visual environment
- Begin to make basic structures balance open and
closed boxes on each other
Strand unit: Making drawings
The child should be enabled to
- Experiment with the marks that can be made with different
drawing instruments on a range of surfaces wriggly, smudgy, gritty, light ,
dark, crayons, soft pencils, chalks, textured papers
- Make drawings based on vividly recalled feelings, real and
imaginative experiences my house, my teddy, my dream, special occasions
- Draw line and shape as seen in natural and manufactured
objects line in stones, leaves, curvy, straight-edged, big, small, simple
the relationship between how things feel and how they look texture in
natural and manufactured objects
Looking and responding
The child should be enabled to
- Look and talk about his work, the work of other children
and the work of artists describe what is happening, the different kinds of
marks made, how the artist might have worked
Strand Unit: Painting
The child should be enabled to
- Experiment with a variety of colour drawing instruments
and media to develop colour awareness paint, coloured pencils and crayons,
print, colour-mixing
- Use colour to express feelings, experiences and imaginings
home and play, dreams and longings, special occasions
- Distinguish colour in the visual environment beginning
to distinguish between lighter and darker colours, making paintings with a
single colour and black and white
- Discover colour, pattern and rhythm in colourful objects
stones, flowers, colour magazine cut-outs
- Discover the relationship between how things feel and how
they look texture in natural and manufactured objects
Looking and responding
- Look and talk about his work, the work of other children
and the work of artists
Strand Unit: Printing
- Experiment with the effects that can be achieved with
simple print-making use apples, potatoes cut in half and print; make
impressions with marla with keys, lego; print impressions, initials; pictures of
fish print bubbles with different sized lids; over-printing print a
pattern all over the page with one colour. Allow to dry. Overprint with a
different colour; masking out parts of painted block are masked out using
torn paper before printing
Looking and responding
- Look and handle and talk about familiar objects for
experience of shape, texture and pattern
- Look and talk about his work, the work of other children
and art prints
- Look and talk about examples of print in everyday use -
borders, frames, copy covers, invitations, cards, posters, wallpaper, wrapping
paper and packaging
Strand Unit: Clay
- Explore and discover the possibilities of
clay as a medium pinching, squeezing, squashing a ball of clay
- Making a variety of forms in clay fat, twisty, squat,
- Making a clay form and manipulate it with fingers to
suggest a subject worms, snakes, snails
- Invent mixed-media pieces in representational and
non-representational modes pressing lollipop sticks, feathers, buttons into
Looking and responding
- Look at, handle and talk about objects with free-flowing
forms smooth stones, fruit
- Look at, handle and talk about own work, the work of other
children and simple pieces of clay pottery
Strand Unit: Construction
- Explore and experiment with the properties and
characteristics of materials in making structures free play with
construction toys mobilo; build a stair or wall with light boxes cheese
boxes; talk about tallest, widest
- Make imaginative structures make an imaginative play
structure with large boxes balanced on each other; make an imaginative house
using pieces of polystyrene; paint the finished work; make a space helmet or a
party hat
Looking and Responding
- Look at, investigate and talk about spatial arrangements
and balance in collections of objects and photographs toy buildings, model
farms, simple furniture
- Look at, talk about structures that are easily accessible
decide how many pieces were used to make a table, a swing
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