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Diary 2007 

For quicker uploading for viewers without Broadband the diary is divided into yearly quarters

1st Quarter      2nd Quarter    3rd Quarter    4th Quarter
April     May    June

“I hate posers”
Let me see. Photo’s – check. Scorecards – check. Rock Shandy – check. Can’t think what’s missing …… oh pooh no judge! That’s it, enough is enough, send the Competition Secretary to Wisconsin ! At the last minute two Gentlemen from the bar (no not barristers) kindly agreed to be our guest judges for the evening. What a good job they did too, making Paul the winner, with Peter runner up and new recruit George storming to a podium finish in his first competition! So the word from the man in the street was, they preferred candid more natural portraits, none of that posing stuff!


“Under cover operation”
No “Mad Max” road excursion to Aughrim tonight, bloody rain! Instead we spent an enjoyable evening learning how to develop our own film with a Masterclass from our learned leader Colum D’Wobbles. Elena proved to be the master of Colum’s black bag challenge, spooling her film in record time. Some time soon we will have to try it for real! 


“Raw And Dangerous”
Paul tonight gave an insight into the dark world of “Raw” digital capture. A good number of members have dabbled with raw capture but most seem to have gone back to the simplicity of using jpg. With this in mind we intend to offer a lecture in the use of “Picasa” since many members are now using this as their weapon of choice. So stay tuned for further details in our coming events section.


Well it was escape from The Bridge Night (who forgot to tell Audrey)! So it was off to Killmichael for a ramble across the headland to the old life guard station. Shame, I have not seen any of the photo’s from the evening yet, even my own (dammed film), but even so it was nice to get out in the fresh air without the rain!

30th “Nose Jobs and Erectile Dysfunction”
What a cruel man our President is. Poor Willie had to endure the mother of battles to produce a stunning restoration of Robert’s family snap. Using only two or three of Photoshop’s tools, the maestro was able to dazzle the assembly with his mastery of the face lifting art. The photo he was working on could not have been any more difficult and it is a great indictment to his skill and patience that “El Presidente’s” family was truly amazed at the resultant print. Not content with just that, Willie had a further morsel of magic to bestow, in the shape of his tower straightening technique. Very handy for getting things standing up to attention again!

“Film Night”
Tonight will be a lecture from Colum on film photography. He will enlighten all with tales of 22 megapixel resolution and higher dynamic range. So if you’re an ignorant digital head like me, come with an open mind and see if you too can learn to love film! Colum will demystify the complexities of ISO, slide, negative and the use of filters. Remember at any stage if you wish to try film photography for yourself you may borrow the Society’s camera, so there are no excuses.



After a number of false dawns we finally had our first official “slide” competition. Many thanks are extended to John Wilkinson, who kindly acted as our judge for the evening. After noting the very difficult task that had been put before him, he then delivered the result in reverse order. Julie came third, with her “Heron” and another camera. Colum came second with his “Snorting Hippo’s”, a new photo to boot in this age of digital! Top place went to Stewart for his “Fulmar”. A well deserved winner, beautifully lit and razor sharp. With a nature one two three, this indicates that competition will be intense for the Society’s Nature Finals at the end of September, so start working now. My tip though is that Willie has already booked second, even then that still leaves two other places to strive for!

Afterwards John treated us to some of his digital slideshows, including some that have won national awards in the IPF AV section. Many members were greatly interested in the alternative opportunities that exist for the attainment of IPF distinctions via the Audio Visual route, so we will venture to progress greater information in this regard over coming months. 

9th Paul returned from Georgia and South Carolina , with a new compact camera and a compact selection of images. A proper slideshow will be delivered in due course. Peter gave us a run through of his trials and tribulations with the Canon 1d mkIIn. This included being ejected from a show jumping event, though he did manage to burst off a few frames before being shown the door! Tripod update – El Presidente remains headless!
2nd “Julie Scrumptious”
It was Cairde Na Ceile Night again and a team of three judges were on hand to pass consideration on a very high class field of all thing “Wicklow”.  Well you can guess that once again Willie came second, I wonder if we can place bets on it online for the next competition! With Colly Wobbles finishing in third, that left Julie once again taking the top prize. What’s even more astonishing she has now taken to winning competitions with a different camera each time, now that is rubbing it in!
26th “Colly Bears Picnic”
Well being Stateside, I missed tonight’s festivities. Although I am assured that Colum once again gave his usual master class in coaching, to those that were willing to listen that is. Practice was indeed opportune, with the Cairde Na Ceile competition the next week and many shots from this evening made it to print in time. That’s the power of digital for you!  

“Flower Potty”
So it was back to the table top with some fairly mangy flowers from Tesco’s. El Presidente came up with a novel way of excusing himself from practice, this time by breaking his tripod. The story of the purchase of a replacement tripod, would fill an entire library though, so don’t mention the war!. Willie seemed to have made best use of the evening with some very interesting lighting work on the curvy vase that Paul had brought along; we all look forward to seeing the printed results.  


As usual we had a large turnout for one of our photo printing tutorials, this time our subject was black and white. Many thanks go to those members that put forward images for the Paul treatment. The outstanding images included, George providing a lovely balcony scene form Spain , Ines had a gorgeous macro shot, and my particular favorite, Jenny’s ornamental garden frog. Once again I think members left with a greater understanding of the capabilities that are open for them to develop their photographic vision and hopefully will lead to further areas of experimentation for one an all.



“Tutti Frutti”
After a short and sweet AGM, you have once again requested Stewart, Julie and Paul to continue their various committee roles. Many thanks to Larissa for agreeing to continue the good fight as PRO, and in particular for her work on our spectacular new website, coming soon to a computer near you!

But before the high council we had a really good practical workout on our five a day friends from the fruit world. Paul made up a backlit “stained glass” fruit presentation which gained a lot of shutter activity and hopefully gave people a few ideas of what to try to do at home. Like wise we had the “traditional” bowl of fruit display, a la Stewart. Colum on the other hand failed to tell us of the “Coach and Horses” trick made with an orange and two bananas, well at least we can save this idea for the next time. 



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