

Programme Seabreeze 2011 About Us Gallery Buy & Sell Links

On/Off the Tommy Byrne 
Photographic Society Gallery Website

and visit our Flickr page also 
for even more photos

The Society’s exhibition continues in the Arklow Business Enterprise Centre in Kilbride Industrial Estate and everyone is welcome to drop in and have a look, no fees and they’ll be happy to see you. 
New Exhibit since December 2011

members please see your e-mail for further details on up coming events.

If anyone is interested in contacting us for further details please click here to email us

Coming Up



18th Filters Night

Committee Meeting 8pm

The Canon A1 continues to do the rounds and we’re all looking forward to slide shows soon!!

NOTE: Talks/Events may be subject to change, 
due to unforeseen circumstances and will be rescheduled where possible.

Meeting Point: The Bridge Hotel, Wednesdays 8.30pm - all welcome.



Diary 2012

Diary 2011

January     February     March     April    May     June    July     August     September     October     November     December

So, what have we been up to then??  Hmm, well, apparently the 'AGM' went ahead without anyone there so we were all voted in regardless.  I think next year we should have a lottery! :oD
Last night we welcomed back Niamh Keoghan with her lovely slide shows of her experience of China.  She also gave us an insight on how difficult life is without being able to speak the language or read the calligraphy.  Thanks Niamh.
Next week I'll do the Filters Night so bring your cameras and you can try them out for yourselves.
The Committee will also meet early to work on your programme for the next six weeks so, again, if anyone has any ideas for day trips away, topics you'd like covered etc. then please let us know.  I've tried mind reading but you all must be sleeping with aluminium hats.
Short and sweet, that's all I have for ye and if you're feeling nostalgic for George's weather forecasts it's giving it a frosty minus 2 tonight so don't pack away those thermals just yet.
Many thanks to Garry O'Neill for visiting with us last Wednesday.  As always Garry was very informative and went through his slideshow of work from his website and spoke about each of them.  For anyone who wasn't there and would like to take a look at his work you can see it here www.garryoneill.ie
The Still Life photos were also taken up - I've been told they haven't been sent to Podge just yet so if you have yours lurking on your computer you'd better email them straight away to arklowtbps@gmail.com
Next week, 4th April, bring the cameras as we're out and about - but leave the tripods at home.  This is a chance to become creative with low light using different ISOs, shutter speeds and coming up with alternatives to using a tripod - e.g. steadying your camera/yourself on a wall/pillar etc.  Then back in The Bridge you can show your photos and discuss the various methods on how you took them.
On the 14th we welcome back Niamh Keoghan and she's going to put on a show of her photos from her travels in China - this is an evening not to be missed and I, for one, can't wait to see them.  Also eagerly awaited (ahem) is our AGM (we are now 7 years old!) which as we all know by now should last all of about two minutes, maybe three - or maybe we'll give one minute per year of existence this time?? :o)
That bring us up to the end of our programme so far - if anyone out there has an idea for anything on a Wednesday night or even a day trip venue you'd like to put forward - PLEASE DO!!! It's VERY difficult for the same few people to keep coming up with something new all the time without support and suggestions from all of you.


Many thanks to Robert for stepping in at the last minute to cover ProShow last Wednesday as Paul's still not well (send stronger good feeling vibes!!) we wish him a speedy recovery.  Robert did a great job demonstrating and finishing off 3 shows and putting them on DVD as well.  As we didn't get time to show any Paddy's Day's photos we'll see how the time goes next week for it.

I hope everyone's working hard on their Still Life for this coming Wednesday 28th.  Remember no print required - you just need to bring your photos in on your Pen Drive in their original size.  We have had some practise sessions on Still Life over the past few weeks so no excuses from anyone (that's Podge's words them!)  Title them with your membership number (which is listed at the end of this mailing) and letter.

This week we have the return of Gary O'Neill - Gary's work is published regularly in various Independent newspapers including our local Wicklow People, he's always informative and interesting so hopefully we'll see everyone then.
The AGM on the 4th has been postponed until the 11th as both Elena and I can not attend - and we don't want any secret voting going on!  :oD  So tonight grab your cameras, leave the tripod at home and get out and about and work on creative photos - up the ISO or do some shaky handy trails etc.

Also on the 11th we welcome back Elena's daughter Niamh who will show photos from her travels in China.
I hope everyone managed to get some great shots last Wednesday - good practise working with shutter speeds/aperature.
There's some readjustments to the programme for the next couple of weeks.  Hopefully Paul is on the mend and will do the ProShow next Wednesday and whatever Paddy's Day shots everyone has we'll watch them too.  We have Guest Speaker Gary O'Neill on the 28th so let's make a big effort and have a good crowd for Gary who is always informative and very good when he visits us.  Remember to bring in your 2 Still Life photos on the 28th as well - no prints this time - put the full size photos on a pen drive, title them with your membership number and letter e.g. 5a for one photo and 5b for the second. (Hopefully everyone knows their number as I don't have a list but I'll try get it)

The AGM on the 4th has been postponed until the 11th as both Elena and I can not attend - and we don't want any secret voting going on!  :oD  So tonight grab your camera's, leave the tripod at home and get out and about and work on creative photos - up the ISO or do some shaky handy trails etc.

Also on the 11th we welcome back Elena's daughter Niamh who will show photos from her travels in China.
I hope you've all picked out your photographic courses you're going to do this year - qualification or no qualification!  Still, I hope you enjoyed/learned something last Wednesday with session 2 of Q&A.
And so onwards....  tomorrow evening Pat Nolan is running a fundraiser for Motor Neuron's Disease in Conary and has asked us to take photos of the bands playing - can members at least just send me a return email simply saying 'Yes' if they can go please?  The website is here http://www.conary.net/
Sunday 11am-4.30 there is Moto cross in Ferns if anyone would like to head there.
A few special requests here:
1.    Can members please bring in their Maritime Photos on a Pen drive next week so we can choose photos for the Bridge
2.    Next Wednesday Paul is going to show us how to make a slide show with ProShow so if you have 20-30 photos you'd like to bring in please do so and he'll work his magic for you.
 We're awaiting confirmation for our Guest Speaker but in the meantime...
10 March - Conary Hall Saturday evening 8pm (see above)
14 March - ProShow with Paul
17 March - Remember St. Patrick's Day.
21 March - Light Metering - waiting to confirm.  And we'll have a show on the St. Patrick's Days photos. 
28 March - Still Life Competition - it's a bit different this time - you are required to bring your two photos in on your pen drive and leave them at their original size.  The committee will then put your photos on the laptop, put them on a CD and give you back your pen drive.  The  disc with all our photos will then be sent to Podge Kelly who, due to other commitments will not be here on the night, will return a few weeks later.  You'll remember Podge visited with us some weeks back and gave a great show and demonstration of his take on Still Life so he's expecting everyone to have work in for this or he's gonna kick some donkey.

Bring in your cameras again tonight (28th) - this time leave the tripod at home - we're looking to take creative and unconventional night shots tonight - so you can up your ISO for hand held and grainy or go for the free flying abstract lights look.

That all brings us up to the 4th April where we celebrate our 7th Birthday!!!  It will also be our AGM so... you know what's coming!
29th Gosh, seems like no length since I emailed ye all!

Many thanks to our hosts Hoey's Bridge Hotel for sponsoring our Maritime Competition once again. Unfortunately I was unable to make it there but I believe there were cocktails galore - to be photographed - before being devoured by our 'samplers'. So Congratulations go to Gail Brennan who came 3rd with her Arklow Shipping Anchor; Stewart Case was second and Larissa O'Duffy was first with Hook Lighthouse.

On Saturday we head to Conary for the Motor Neuron's Disease fundraiser and we wish them all the very best on the night.

24th Just a reminder that on Sunday we have our outing to Kilmacurragh - meet 11.30am outside The Bridge.

As all was quiet on Wednesday the Filters night has been postponed till another time so we had to make do with a bit of improv - we gave Roberts disc's a chance on the laptop but they wouldn't work (so if anyone has any recent photo related discs from any of the mags that we could borrow it'd be much appreciated) and we settled on portrait videos from Youtube - can't technology be a wonderful thing at times?!

Next week we have our Maritime competition - 2 photos mounted please.

Remember as well to email in your Questions so I can get working on them for ye for the 7th March.

17th So love was in the air last Wednesday - well - a touch of it anyway - thanks to all for bringing in their Project Work. Your work for next week follows on from the Q&A night we had - the topic is 'Panning' (not for gold but the follow your subject with blurry background).

Thanks also to Stewart for his talk on Maritime photography ahead of our competition on the 29th Feb - so you all know what your subject matter is and what it isn't. Keep it boaty/shippy/naval industry or still life (just no pebbles or grass - think man made rather than nature). This competition is sponsored by our adoptive home The Bridge Hotel so we need EVERYONE to participate in this please. We don't have that many competitions and we've all known well in advance. Photos must have been taken within the past twelve months so chances are you have something - the images are not limited to the Arklow area and we are surrounded by towns and villages with boats/ships/harbours and all the paraphernalia that goes with it so we're looking forward to a great turnout guys.

10th Finally members got out for some night photos on Wednesday, cold as it was, so looking forward to seeing what everyone got.

Homework for last week was 'Texture' - keep up the good work everyone. Next week it's St. Valentines Day so that's your theme.

Stewart will also give a talk on Maritime photography to guide us in what we should enter into the Maritime Competition at the end of the month.

If anyone has any thoughts for what they would like discussed in future weeks please email me and we'll sort it out for ye.

George is laid up again so waves of good vibes to be sent his way again - get him back on his feet.

And the weekend away to Doolin list is done, house to be booked this week.

2nd Attached you'll find the handout for our QnA - you won't necessarily need everything in it and it doesn't by any means cover everything within each topic but it'll give you a starting point anyway. There was great feed back tonight, thank you all, glad you enjoyed it and nice to know we can all still learn things and share the knowledge - that's why we're here.

Thanks as well to everyone for all their hard work with the Projects recently - keep it up - and with the shows from Wicklow Gaol as well - great work guys. For anyone who hasn't yet visited the place it's well worth it - and a great day to fill a rainy one and if you have kids they'll love it too - it's a great way of bringing history alive and memorable for them.

Next week's Project Work is 'Texture'. Make sure to bring your cameras as well - unfortunately as we were expecting bad weather last week we didn't head out so if it's a good night next Wednesday we will head out.

The Committee will meet at 8pm to plan the next few weeks but do remember that the Maritime Completion is on the 29th Feb. 2 A4ish photos mounted please.

We had a great day out in Wicklow Gaol on Sunday - an ideal way to spend the afternoon in weather like that.  After being 'incarcerated' we were left to our own devices which gave us ample opportunity and time (what else are you going to spend in prison) for taking photos (some got a 'Get out of Jail' card early for good behaviour while others got extended sentences).
So tomorrow night we have our Q&A night - time's up for entering your questions but don't worry there should be enough on the night to keep you going for a while.
Time is also running out to get your name down for the Weekend away trip to Doolin in Clare planned for 11th May - Elena needs your name this Wednesday (1st Feb) so she can book the house.
Well done to Elena as well as she was the only one with Project Work last week - come on guys - get back to it!!  It's great to see the creativity that everyone brings to each Wednesday night so come on and share it!  So I'll give ye another chance to bring your 'Shadows' tomorrow night and don't forget your 'Garden Birds' - mine aren't great but I'll bring them anyway and Paul can tell me where I've gone wrong!
20th Hi all,
Many thanks to Paul Kavanagh for his show of Wildlife & Adventure photographs.  How he gets the time is beyond me!!  Here's the link to his website: http://paulkavanagh.ie/   Paul is a very modest guy, does not consider himself a photographer but gets stuck in to everything he gets involved in whether it's climbing (mountains, snow and ice), trekking or birds.  If you missed Wednesday's show you can see his photos on his site.

Bring the camera next week (25th) as we're out and about for night shots - tripods required as well if you have them.  Project Work for last week (although not mentioned in last weeks newsletter - opps) was to be 'Shadows' so we'll show them on the 25th as well and put the Garden Birds back till the 1st Feb.  Also on the 1st Feb we are to have our Q&A although with the influx, or rather lack, of questions coming in you must all be experts?!  Surely someone must have a query on something (photographic).  Questions in please so we can prepare answers for ye.  We'd love at least one from everyone.

7th  Welcome to 2012 everyone, may it be filled with love, happiness and lots of fun.

T’was a stormy night last Wednesday but some of us managed to make it to The Bridge – most importantly the committee to write up a calendar for the next few weeks:

First up – in preparation for later in the month we need you to help us out. We need you to either email or write up a question you would like answered in relation to either your camera or your photography or anything photographic related. Perhaps your photos aren’t coming out quite as intended and you’d like to know why? Is there a button on your camera but you’ve no idea what it’s for? We’ll do our best to answer them all for you.

Project Work is back – yeah! So for next week – 11th Jan your work is ‘Curves’. Remember as well to bring in your ‘Still Life a la Podge’ and any festive photos you took and we’ll have a great slideshow for the night.

Also next week Paul wanted to do a talk on Flying Dolphins but we thought Garden Birds was more appropriate for this time of year. You may remember Paul did this talk last March and at the time we said it would come up for Project Work in the future. As many of us feed our little feathered friends during the winter it’s a great opportunity to capture them in camera.

Hopefully we’ll have the return of Paul Kavanagh on the 18th. Again you may remember Paul visited us two years ago with his fabulous show of his climbing trips to Nepal, Wales, Scotland as well as in Ireland. Paul also takes wildlife photographs and all going well he’ll drop in this evening to share his work with us.

On the 25th we’re heading out on the town for some Night Shots so make sure you have your cameras and tripods (cards and batteries charged!)

For the 1st Feb we will hold a QnA/FAQs night. As mentioned above we need your help with this in order for it to go smoothly so get your questions in and we can start working on them.

We’re also planning our weekend away and are considering the 11th May as a possible date. The area being considered this year is West Clare, a beautiful, stunning area of the country. Here we have the Cliffs of Moher, The Burren (described as "a savage land, yielding neither water enough to drown a man, nor tree to hang him, nor soil enough to bury him" by Oliver Cromwell's surveyor), Aliwee Caves , Arran Islands and lots lots more (not forgetting a few watering holes). The date isn’t carved in stone so check your diaries and let us know when you’re available and we’ll start planning in earnest.

Delightful congratulations to Fiona on the birth of her son recently. We wish her and all the family all the joy in the world (and sleepful nights).



2005 Programme/Diary
2006 Programme/Diary
2007 Programme/Diary
2008 Programme/Diary
2009 Programme/Diary
2010 Programme/Diary
2011 Programme/Diary


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