Cumann na gClann Ui Thighearnaigh
The Tierney Clans Society
Registration Form for membership of The
Tierney Clans Society
The Tierney Clan was formed by DR. Margaret Tierney in 1990, and is aimed at uniting all of Tierney descent worldwide. Clan members in many countries
maintain contact with one another via our quarterly Tierney Clan Newsletter, and also as penfriends. Members assist one another with family history research.
Tierney Clan Gatherings are regularly held in Ireland.
The Clan has members in most counties of Ireland, as well as in, England, Scotland, France, Australia, New Zealand and U.S.A.
When a new member joins the Clan, their name and address are immediately entered in the Clan Register. These details together with brief ancestry details,
when supplied, are featured in the next issue of the Tierney Clan Newsletter, unless otherwise requested. This is done so that other Clan members may correspond
with the new members as penfriends. New members are forwarded a copy of the most recent Tierney Clan Newsletter, together with a copy of the basic Tierney
history, featuring our Coat of Arms.
Members are also encouraged to forward their own family history details to the Clan Organiser for cross-checking with those of other members, to see if there are
any ‘links’ in their ancestry and thus to locate some
previously-unknown relatives.
To join
please complete the
Registration form and mail it, together
with the appropriate remittance to;
Cahir Tierney,
Naomh Antoine, 53 Ard Aoibhinn, Athenry, Co. Galway,
Please remember to enclose
the appropriate fee of €12.00 [which equates to US$17.00, or Australian $
25.00, or
currencies are
acceptable, it would be very much appreciated and preferred if payment were
made by means of a prime Euro Bankers Draft/Cheque on Dublin
Please remember that clans are non-profit making organisations and
people work on a voluntary basis.
Please include an International Reply Coupon for a speedy response.
Request for a Photocopy of an entry in a Register
The Register Form will allow the Clan Organiser to request a photocopy of an entry in the General Register Office, Dublin on your behalf.
The entry could be a Birth, Marriage or Death of a
Tierney relative or ancestor.
This form can be printed and then copied for as many
as you need.
Register Forms
should be sent, together with the Registry fee of €3.00, to:
Cahir Tierney, Naomh
Antoine, 53 Ard Aoibhinn, Athenry, Co. Galway,
It is regretted but this facility is strictly available only to members of the Tierney Clan
Welcome Page
Brief History
Clan Rally
Y-DNA Project
All material contained in this website is the property of The Tierney Clan Society and is subject to copyright ©2000
Cumann na gClann Uí
Thighearnaigh – The Tierney Clans Society.
For problems or questions regarding this site, and especially if a link does not work, please contact
Last updated Eanáir 2007.