History of the development in Literacy education in the City of Cork Literacy
Following consideration by the Adult Education Board of Proposals for funding under adult Literacy development Fund [aldf] the city of cork VEC made an application for funding to the Department of Education and Science in July 1998 (Appendix 1). Approval and funding were received from the Department in September 1998 (Appendix 2). Representatives of all the Literacy Schemes were invited to a meeting to discuss the proposals and to explore ways of implementing them. The representatives raised strenuous objections to the proposals and at a further meeting presented alternative ones. Discussions continued over a further two months and agreement was reached on acceptable structures and roles. The issue date of 08 January 1999 is the date when the documents were collectively issued). Literacy Schemes were asked for and presented outlined short-term work plans and short-term costing in January and in February 1999, respectively. The work of the members of the Literacy Schemes and the Organisers, in particular, has been most useful and positive in the development of the proposals to date for the service. Subsequent to the series of meetings with representatives of the Literacy Schemes, meetings were held with the Managers and Co-Coordinators of Community Training Workshops and Youth reach Centres and with representatives of other Community Education providers to inform them of the outcomes of discussions with representatives of the Literacy Schemes and to discuss their possible roles in the development and provision of Literacy Training. Arising from the last meetings, further written clarification was provided and circulated to all parties.
A meeting with similar purpose with representatives of the four mainline Youth Organisations in the City, scheduled for 29th March 1999 did not take place, and a further date for a meeting remains to be agreed.
Literacy Schemes have formed, or are currently forming, Representative Groups to manage them.
A meeting was held with representatives of each Literacy Scheme over the to conclude planning and to allocate a budget in line with Estimates of Expenditure for 1999.
This series of meetings concluded in April 1999.