The Regulation of Adult
Community Education Tutor [Part -Time Teaching Hours]
(N.B. VEC advertised teaching posts
must be applied for independently)
The Adult Literacy and Community Education Fund, [ALCE] is
distributed by the Adult Education Board [AEB] to various local Community Education
Centres by an allocation of "teaching hours". These Centres provide Educational Courses in their
locality usually morning time, with VEC paid Tutors, meeting the needs and wishes of local
people for a variety of courses.
To Tutor, you must obtain some of the allocated teaching
hours for your subject / speciality.
How to access VEC Adult Community
Education Tutor [Part -Time Teaching Hours]
Obtain a list of contacts in Adult
Community Education found within this website
Make contact with the VEC Co-ordinators of Adult
Community Education
Visit the co-ordinators /organisers and
acquaint then of your qualifications, skills and ability to engage with adults
in a learning environment
Make application in response to a
Notice of Vacancy to tutor
For teaching on the evening Adult Education
programmes within schools & colleges contact the Principals, Adult Education
within the institutions.
For teaching within the daytime educational
programme within schools & colleges contact the Principals, and the Personnel
City of Cork VEC and reply to public advertisements.