COISTE GAIRMOIDEACHAIS CHATHAIR CHORCAI City of Cork Vocational Education Committee COMMUNITY TUTOR APPOINTMENTAPPOINTMENT PROCEDURE: 1. The need for a Tutor in a particular subject / area of expertise is determined by Centre Co-ordinator.2. The Centre Co-ordinator informs the AEO of the requirement in good time through the form provided for this purpose.3. The AEO and the Centre Co-ordinator jointly decide· Whether a Tutor will be recruited ab initio from local community in which case the appointment from the local community will be made in accordance with the Committee’s “Policy on Community Development through to appointment of Tutors from within the Community”. Or· From among existing tutor panels (either panels of existing teachers/tutors or panels arising from the appointment process for teachers/tutors) [see Note 2 below re. Panels]. If the decision is made to recruit a tutor from the existing pool of tutors the AEO makes the necessary arrangements to engage the tutor. Upon finding a suitable person, the AEO shall inform the Personnel Section on the Community tutor Appointment Report (Appendix1), also giving details of the Centre, Course, Number of Hours, etc. The AEO will also furnish the Tutor with Conditions of Employment as per Section 4(v) below. The Personnel Section record the appointment and inform the Finance Section(i) Should the AEO be unable to recruit anyone from the panels, then the AEO will proceed to seek applications from the local community, as outlined below.4. If the decision is made to recruit a tutor from the community, the AEO will seek to determine,
(i) Those interested in applying for the position should return a completed application form to the Centre Co-ordinator before the closing date. (ii) The AEO and the Centre Co-ordinator jointly interview all applicants. (iii) The AEO and the Centre Co-ordinator shall draw up a ranked list of all suitable applicants. (iv) The successful candidate shall be offered a Contract of Employment (see attached Conditions of Employment – Appendix 3) by the AEO. (v) The AEO shall furnish two copies of this to the tutor for signing and (vi) The Tutor shall then forward both copies to the Personnel Section for countersignature. A signed copy shall be returned to the Tutor. (vii) A Selection Report (Appendix 4), together with completed Application Forms, CVs and other relevant documentation, are forwarded to the Personnel Section, who record the appointment and inform the Finance Section. (viii) Selection Board Reports shall be placed before the Adult Education Sub-Committee by the AEO. As these meetings are not frequent, the Selection Reports shall also be placed before the Committee by the Personnel Section in the same manner as other Selection Board Reports. (ix) If a similar vacancy occurs in that centre within 12 months of the list being drawn up, and the previous appointee is unable to fill it, then that position may be offered to those others on the list, in rank order. The steps outlined above must be followed. 5. It may be possible for a Centre to form Panels of Tutors in certain subjects on an annual basis. In such circumstances, the process for advertising, interviewing, etc. shall be the same as outlined above. 6. There will be occasions when a Once-off / Specialist Tutor is employed for a single class. In each and every case, a Once-off / Specialist Tutor Authorisation Form (Appendix 5) must be returned, or no payment will be made.
Note 2 – PanelsThere are 3 separate types of Panels from which Tutors may be drawn, and these should be availed of in order: 1. Panels that have been formed as a result of full PWT/TWT/EPT/PT Selection processes and existing VEC teachers. 2. Panels of Community Tutors that have been through a Selection Process and are/have been employed by the Committee and deemed satisfactory. 3. Panels of potential Community Tutors, who have been through the process as outlined above, but whom the Committee has not yet employed.