Appendix4 COISTE GAIRMOIDEACHAIS CHATHAIR CHORCAI City of Cork Vocational Education Committee COMMUNITY TUTOR SELECTION BOARD REPORT POST: Community Tutor of (Subject) in (Centre) for (no. of Hours) Hours per week for (no. of Weeks) commencing (date of commencement) 1. Date of Selection Board Meeting: 2. Total No. of Applicants: 3. Applicants called for Final Interview: 4 No. of Applicants attended for Final Interview: 5 The following applicants attended for Final Interview:
6. The following applicants called for Final Interview – did not attend:
7. The following applicants were not called for Final Interview:
RECOMMENDATIONS: That the post be offered to (name & address of appointee) and that the following be placed in order on a panel from which vacancies occurring in the next 12 months may be filled:
SIGNATURE OF MEMBERS OF BOARD______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Date: