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  • MuAnalizer
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  • itemprojector
  • MuImagei
Mu Analizer
/text by Heron - admin MU Bat/

Software who analyze what's going on your muserver. This not tool for user, player. so, don't ask - where I can change exp? No, you don't. This is software for admins muserwers only. :
Download --> link
Later instal this soft, restsart is needed for consolidation with QDBHC drivers.
Ok... so, open it, and you have something like below. Give right path to logs and read whatever you want.

Now.. as you see, do you have possibilies to sort every value. I.e. :
- Time
- Login
- Char - character name etc. up to you.
If you looking for something special enable filter [character, event, user] etc.

muanalyzerRAW DATA - user logins.

- increase user experience [where, how fast]

Jewels Applied
- jewel using. What was upgraded, and all about it. So..when somebody try to bless boxes, you can see this too. Delete this user BTW.

Monsters Drops
- all about drop from monster. where, coords etc.

Monsters Kills
- which bad monster kill player.



Person Kills
- players killed by players.

- characters backpack

WareHouse - characters valut

Chaos Machine
- everthing was happend in Chaos Gobblin Machine

Dupe Hack
- show duplicated items.[serials].

Copy Items

- log form every transaction.

- drop form box of luck and others.

- what the NPC sell ,all transaction.
In flie . ini be sure do you have a line: OverKillStr=Overkill to mob 1

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