Web Design Rates...
At Ardeevin Designs I take great care to ensure that your Web Site is designed to suit your exact needs and requirements. On my "Web Design" page I explain the methodology that I use to achieve this goal. This methodology is one which has allowed me to ensure that all Web Consultancy Projects which I have enjoyed to date meet my clients' requirements in full.
As well as reading about my "Web Design" Methodology I would also encourage you to visit some of the Web Sites which I have developed to date. You can find these on my "References" Page.
 Ardeevin Design Web Design Special Rates (Sept-Nov) One Page Web Site - €175 Two Page Web Site - €200 Three Page Web Site - €250 Four Page Web Site - €300 Five Page Web Site - €350 Six Page Web Site - €400 For more than 6 pages - approx. €50 per extra page requested
Includes Hosting & Testing of Web Site on IOL or ESAT or Eircom using Telco's Domain Names Free Email-Address Registration & Testing No limitation on the number of photos you would like to include in your Web Site No limitation on the amount of text content you would ike to include in your Web Site Prices are fully inclusive and there are no hidden charges
No Additional/Hidden Charges It is the policy of Ardeevin Designs to be fully open about all of our charges. In this regard we respect the code of ethics adopted by the Institute of Engineers of Ireland and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers with regard to pricing, publishing & agreeing all costs in advance of starting a Project. Following from this, once your Web Site is up and Running there are no additional or yearly charges requested by Ardeevin Designs. Also, there are no hidden charges and the rates outlined above are fully inclusive.