Welcome to "Ardeevin Designs", your home for quality designed, personally tailoured and affordable Web Site Designs.
My name is Angela O'Sullivan and I have a small but specialised Web Design business operating from my home address at Beaufort in Killarney, Co.Kerry. You can see some of the Web Sites that I have designed and developed in my "References" Page.
My initial background was in the Hotel & Catering business where I spent almost 15 years in the industry in Killarney. I have since retrained and have moved on to specialise in the Information Technology Industry, specifically in the design and development of Web Sites. For a detailed profile of my qualifications and experience please see my "Qualifications" Page.
My husband (Dr. Pat O'Sullivan) is originally from Cork and his background is in Computer Science & Information Systems. Pat has three separate Honours Degrees in the IT field and has over 12 years experience in the IT industry.
As well as working full-time with IBM, Pat also provides both a Technical and a WEB-Design/Consultancy role to Ardeevin Designs. For a detailed profile of Pat's qualifications and experience please see my "Qualifications" Page.
With this unique background and complimentary skill sets, I am able to provide a professional touch in designing your web site to suit your exact needs. The methodology that I use to design and prepare a personally tailoured Web Site for you can be seen in my "Web Design" page. My "Contacts" Page provides all of the details that you need to make contact with me. My "Rates" page describes the affordable options which you are welcome to choose from in the design of your site. Angela O´Sullivan