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Comhairle Cathrach Choreai

Cork City Council

Reply to Question submitted at Council Meeting To be held on 12th May, 2003.


Request the Manager to update Council on efforts made to implement Cork City Council's policy as inserted in the City Development Plan (Draft) re the construction of;

1. The Ardrostig Cross link to the Curraheen Road

2. The Bishopstown bye-pass i.e. a road line from the Carrigrohane Road N22 to the Model Farm Road R608 to the new Ballincollig bye-pass (South Ring Road) N28 at a point near Deasey's Bridge on the Curraheen Road,

Thereby substantially reducing the excessive traffic on Hawkes Road, within local estates and the road network in the Bishopstown area".

(Cllr. Brian Bermingham)


A report of the Bishopstown By-pass linking the Ballincollig By-Pass to the Model Farm Road
and also the Ardrostig cross to Curraheen Road was completed by Consultants Atkins McCarthy in 2002.

A submission for funding to undertake the works has been made to the Department of the Environment and Local Government, but to date no approval to proceed has been given.

To a supplementary question I emphasised the importance and urgency of this project,  the City Manager assured Council that the project is "high priority"




Report of Director of Services/City Engineer dated 31st October, 2002 regarding the Bishopstown Traffic Study was considered. The Members also received a Presentation in relation to the Traffic Study from Mr. Seamus Quigley, Atkins McCarthy.

Decision of Committee

It was agreed to accept the Director of Services/C. Engineer's report and to recommend it to An Chomhairle for approval

Members also agreed that the continuation of the Link Road from the C.I.T. to the Model Farm Road would continue to be included as an aspiration of the Bishopstown Traffic Study.





Demand a commitment from your newly elected TD,s for the necessary funding €13.2 million.



Report of Director of Services/City Engineer dated 27h June 2002 on the following motion, which was referred to the Committee by Council, was considered:

'That this Council favours option B (or A + E) as the Bishopstown By Pass and that funding of same be sought forthwith.'

(Proposer: Conihairleoir B. Bermingham Ref 021122)

Committee Decision: It was agreed to accept the Director of Services/City Engineer's report and to recommend it to An Chomhairle for approval.

Council Decision: It was agreed to keep the motion in committee until the recommendation from the consultants of the Bishopstown Traffic Study is known.

Bishopstown Traffic Study: Cork County Council and Cork City Council jointly commissioned Atkins McCarthy, Consultants a traffic study for the Bishopstown Area. A public exhibition was held 21" and 22" March 2002 to display the findings of the study and to consult with the public and local representatives.
Route Options Considered: Six alternative route options have been developed and evaluated as shown on the main diagram:

1.       Option A   Curraheen Interchange (on Ballincollig bypass) to CIT

2.      Option B   Curraheen Interchange to Model Farm Road with a link to the CIT

3.       Option Cl  Bishopstown Road to Curraheen Road link.

4.       Option C2             Model Farm Road to Carrigrohane Road link + Cl

5.       Option D*             Upgrade Model Farm Road from Poulavone to Rossa Avenue

6.       Option E   Model Farm Road direct to CIT.

7.       Option F    New Poulavone link Road to CIT

*The upgrading of Model Farm Road would have to be considered in order to implement schemes B & E.


 I now understand that the recommendation is about to be disclosed and I understand that decision to come down in favour of OPTION A.

This is unsatisfactory as it does not comprehensively address the main issue in keeping all non-essential traffic fully out of the internal road network of Bishopstown..This issue cannot be ignored and /or rejected as its need is glaring now and into the future, even with THE BALLINCOLLIG BY-PASS.




I have outlined the points in favour of this proposal numerous times highlighting amongst others

Ø      The important point is that current Corporation's policy as it is for the last 30 years is to construct a Road line from Ardrostig X via Melbourn Road to the Model Farm Road to the Carrigrohane Road N22. Surely it is not asking too much for Cork Corporation in the light of traffic growth with subsequent negative impact on the Bishopstown Area to seek the moving westwards of this current policy in the best interests of all into the future.

Ø      The need for traffic to flow into and from the CIT westwards on to this proposed road. Facilitating a new entrance/exit to and from The Cork Institute of Technology giving the Institute an enhanced presence in the Region and eliminate the Hugh and increasing volume of cars it attracts daily including evening times.

Ø      Facilitate a new entrance/exit to and from Leisure World.

Ø      Facilitate easier access to/from FAS, the Industrial Units on the Model Farm Road and Rossa Avenue.

Ø      Attract non-essential traffic, presently travelling through The Rise > Halldene > Melbourn Road  > Hawkes Road > Curraheen Road > and surrounding areas in Bishopstown, out of the urban area.

Ø      Divert Traffic, giving traffic a direct route to and from the Ballincollig By-Pass network avoiding the urban area, giving substantial relief to all, in the greater Bishopstown Area.

Ø      Reduce the serious negative ENVIRONMENTAL impact of vehicle exhaust and noise.

Ø      Increase SAFETY for school children, the older persons and all going about their day-to-day business in Bishopstown.


suggestions & ideas appreciated.


Historical Data on this ISSUE


Councillor Brian Bermingham –01/118 ---9th April 2001

As the Cork Strategic Area Plan is now nearing completion, I again inserted a motion to Cork City Council, as follows:

“That this Council considers top priority and wishes the inclusion in the Cork Strategic Area Plan, the construction of the Bishopstown by-pass i.e. a road line from the Carrigrohane Road N22 to the Model Farm Road R608 to the new Ballincollig by pass [South Ring Road-SRR] N28 at a point near Deasey’s Bridge on the Curraheen Road thereby substantially reducing the excessive traffic build up within estates and local roads in the Bishopstown area”.

Councillor Brian Bermingham –01/118 ---9th April 2001


This is a follow-up on my previous motion on this issue 98/315 – 28th January 1999, which the City Engineer agreed to include in the Cork Strategic Area Plan study.

I have had continuous discussions with him and the Senior Engineer in Roads on this issue.

This Motion was discussed at the Roads Transportation & Safety Committee 8th May 2001 and it was agreed that

  1. The issue would again be brought before the Cork Strategic Area Plan consultants for inclusion.
  2. Failing which Council will have the final say on the adoption of the Cork Strategic Area Plan.
  3. Cork Corporation officials would form a definitive opinion, on the matter.

We await the outcome, which is due shortly and for which we have waited far to long for a positive decision on this issue.


In a letter dated 9th November 2001 Mr. Kevin Terry City Engineer says

Dear Brian

“While I do not have a copy of the Cork Strategic plan yet it is my understanding that a section has been inserted relating to the issues you have raised.


Re Linking The Southern Ring Road to the Model Farm Road / Straight Road    

I have placed two motions since the issue was first raised. I 1999 and again in April 01

Council referred the Motion to the May 2001 Roads Transportation & Safety Committee Agenda.

"That this Council considers top priority and wishes the inclusion in the Cork Strategic Area Plan the construction of  “the Bishopstown By-Pass" i.e. a road line from the Carrigrohane Road N22 to the Model Farm Road R608 to the new Ballincollig By-Pass] South Ring Road] N28 at a point near Deasey's Bridge on the Curraheen Road, thereby substantially reducing the excessive traffic build up within estates and local roads in the Bishopstown Area"

Management considered it and eventually reported back.  The report stated “The matter was considered by both the City Council and Cork County Council and by the City and County Managers. What has been agreed is that a joint study would be undertaken as to the feasibility of a road in this area, particularly in relation to the relieving of traffic congestion in Bishopstown and providing for access to industries and educational establishments in the area.

Atkins McCarthy, Consultants have been asked to undertake this study with a time frame of completion by Christmas.” This motion also formed the basis to amend The Cork Strategic Area Plan. CSAP

In response the City Manager suggested the following paragraph, which was agreed and inserted as new 8th para, on page 2-10 of The Cork Strategic Plan.

“The Plan recognizes the centrality of the retention of the green belt immediately surrounding the City.

However, given the need to address the serious traffic congestion in the Bishopstown area, and the wish of C.I.T to develop its facilities in accordance with its 20 year strategy, Cork County Council, as the planning authority for the area between the western boundary of the City and Ballincollig, will ensure that green belt policy for this area will allow both for the completion of the CIT development and any recommendations for traffic relief measures, including improved access to the CIT which may emerge from a traffic study which has been commissioned jointly by City and County

That the road line is now in the Cork Strategic Plan is a major development on the road to success.

A joint City and County approach is the most desirable.


Campaigning – motion number 98/315 Cork City Council -1998-2002
"That this Council considers top priority and wishes the inclusion in the Cork Strategic Area Plan the construction of  “the Bishopstown By-Pass" i.e. a road line from the Carrigrohane Road N22 to the Model Farm Road R608 to the [new Ballincollig By-Pass] South Ring Road N28 at a point near Deasey's Bridge on the Curraheen Road, thereby substantially reducing the excessive traffic build up within estates and local roads in the Bishopstown Area"





Vote No 1- Option B