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Bishopstown Public Library
July 03 update

At last the news on the long awaited Bishopstown Library is very positive with options for this great facility at the Bishopstown Shopping Centre and the Wilton Shopping Centre.
 The Library Council and the Department of the environment expect decisions this year facilitating leasing funding at 50% and purchase funding at 75%.
Cork City Council must
1.      Avoid any dangers of a withdrawal of declared public funding for this project.
2.      Be determined to finalise this matter once and for all and
3.      Include an amount of local funding necessary to run the Library in estimates 2004.

The Bishopstown option allows for approximate 6000sq. feet on a leased basis.

It would add significantly to the development of a heart i.e. a buzzing commercial centre in Bishopstown.

I understand Dunne’s Stores is about to substantially redevelop this area including maybe a cine complex, a wider variety of shops, and a Library.

The Wilton Shopping Centre is already an extremely busy centre and a Library Complex would be very successful.

In light of current options and developments the original Library at the Orchard site has significantly faded as a location option.

It is my hope that the City Manager and Director of Service will bring their negotiations to fruition and proposals for decision will come before Cork City Council in the very near future.


suggestions & ideas appreciated.


17'h October 2002

A Ard-Mhedra, Seanoiri agus Comhairleoiri

I refer to the following motion referred to the Committee by Council:-


"That this Council report on:-

1. Its current intention and time scale on the opening of the long awaited Public Library in Bishopstown area.

2. Its current option in the light of developments at the Wilton Shopping Centre and The Orchard Site and decide on a location forthwith to avoid any dangers of a withdrawal of declared public funding for this project.

3. The amount of local funding necessary and the amount to be included in the Estimates 2003.

(Proposer: Comhairleoir B. Bermingham 02 / 224)

Members are aware that the position with regard to Bishopstown Library hinges on three possibilities i.e.


Old Dunne's Stores, Curraheen Road


Proposed extension to Wilton Shopping Centre (currently in abeyance)


The orchard site - shared with the Southern Health Board

1 enclose, attached, my letter to Mr Pope, Architect, and agent for Dunne's Stores in Cork for which 1 have not yet received a reply, but which is self-explanatory.

This site is the most suitable, 1 have requested a definite response to the proposal, so that it can either be eliminated or acted upon.

If it is a non-starter and if at the same time we cannot get confirmation of the intentions for development at Wilton, then we may have no choice but to revert to the Orchard site.

Funding will not be required in 2003 as a Capital Grant to the value of 75% of the Project will be available.

1 ask the Committee to consider the report and recommend it to Council for approval.







Letter To :
Bertie Pope & Assocs. Architects

West Village

Balincollig 1" October 2002


Attention Mr Bertie Pope

Re: Branch Librar-v - Bishopstown

Dear Mr Pope,

1 refer to a previous meeting in early Summer involving yourself, the City Librarian and myself, wherein the suitability of portion of 'old' Dunnes Stores site in Bishopstown, as a library location was discussed.

You might recall that the outcome of the discussion was, that indeed the location was most suitable.

While realising and accepting the absolute rights of Dunnes Stores to develop their property as they see fit, 1 would suggest that consideration of the provision of a library within any commercial development could be most beneficial to the Development.

In its duty to provide library services for the city, Cork City Council has a major deficit in this regard in the Bishopstown area, where .demand is very strong.

As the site in question has been. mooted, and as it is one of the very few options available to us, 1 would ask if you could get an indication from your client, as to their thinking on such a development.

1 can confirm that the City Council is extremely interested in the site, be it on a purchase, build and lease or any other option.

However, time is very much against us and we would need very soon an indication of the owners intention.

In general, the City Planners would have no objection to the location of a library services within a commercial development.

1 would be obliged if you could contact your clients as a matter of urgency, as, if we cannot make a firm proposal to the Dept. of Environment & Local Government, we will lose out on any grant aid available, and 1 will have to immediately look at what options remain.

Yours sincerely,



cc. City Librarian S.E.O.




Great news for the people of Bishopstown, Wilton, and Model farm Road, Glasheen, and Togher. 


Residents have campaigned for more than 30 years for a local library.

The Department of the Environment and Local Government has given approval to Cork Corporation to proceed with the development of a branch library at Bishopstown.

The total cost of the project is £2.75million and the department will provide 75% of funding



The issues now are

1.        Cork Corporation's willingness and ability to fund the 25% local contribution

2.        Cork Corporation's willingness and ability to fund 50% of the book stock

3.        Cork Corporation's willingness and ability to staff the new library

4.        Cork Corporation's decision to site the library at the original site "the orchard” or in the newly extended Wilton shopping centre when completed.



I will be pressing very hard for this commitment from Cork Corporation to match the government’s grant and hope for the support of all public representatives.