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Books about:
- Bikram's
Beginning Yoga Class (2000)
- Yoga The
Spirit And Practice Of Moving Into Stillness (1996)
- The Heart of Yoga-
Developing a Personal Practice (1999)
- Awakening the
Spine (1995)
- Yoga- The Iyengar
Way (1990)
- Yoga for Wellness-
Healing with the Timeless Teachings of Viniyoga
- The Complete
Illustrated Book of Yoga (1995)
- The Art of Yoga (2002)
- Yoga Vacations- A Guide
to International Yoga Retreats (1999)
« Previous Page
Asanas- 608
Yoga Poses (2003)
The Path To Holistic Health (2001)
Yoga (2002)
for Your Type - An Ayurvedic Approach to Your
Asana Practice (2001)
Yoga for
Transformation- Ancient Teachings and Practices
for Healing the Body, Mind, and Heart (2002)
Yoga Therapy- Adapting to the Individual (2001)
Mind, Body & Spirit- A Return to Wholeness
on Yoga- Yoga Dipika (1995)
Yoga- The Hidden Language- Symbols, Secrets, and
Metaphor (1996)
holistic retreats | alternative travel
| holistic vacation | yoga art photography... artistic
yoga photographic... Jivamukti, living liberated in
Sanskrit a form of Hatha yoga... New York yoga students
including popstar Madonna Ciccone and rockstar Sting...
musician Ravi Shankar... kudos to Martin Brading...
Beginning Yoga Class
by Bikram Choudhury, Bonnie Jones Reynolds
(Contributor), Julian Goldstein (Editor), Biswanath Bisu
Ghosh (Photographer)
Paperback: 205 pages ;
2nd edition (August 3, 2000)
J. P. Tarcher; ISBN: 1585420204
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Bikram Choudhury, author of the newly revised Bikram's
Beginning Yoga Class and yoga guru to the stars, is on a
mission to heal America through yoga. Bikram claims that
faithfully doing his yoga routine, which consists of 26
hatha yoga asanas (postures) set down by Patanjali over 4,000
years ago, can fix everything from chronic diseases (like
heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis) to obesity and
depression. According to Bikram, his beginning yoga class
exercises 100 percent of the body, increases energy, and
leaves you looking and feeling fantastic.
The book contains nearly 200 photographs illustrating
each of the poses. Each asana is also accompanied by
detailed directions on how to do it the right way. Can't
quite twist your leg around your head or touch your nose
to your knee? Bikram will tell you how to modify poses so
one day you, too, can resemble a pretzel.
This is not an easy workout. Even intermediate students
will find Bikram's yoga routine, which requires about an
hour to complete, challenging. Need encouragement?
Beginning Yoga contains suggestions for maintaining
proper yoga practice, a section on the medical benefits
of yoga, notes from Bikram's students, and a good dose of
Bikram humor and philosophy. If you can't get to one of
Bikram's 100 yoga centers and want to give his style of
"hot yoga" a try, open up Bikram's Beginning
Yoga Class and let Bikram work his magic on your body,
mind, and spirit. -- Ellen Albertson
-- Copyright ©, Inc. --
The Spirit And Practice Of Moving
Into Stillness
by Erich Schiffmann (Author)
Paperback: 384 pages ;
(December 1996)
Pocket Books; ISBN: 0671534807
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Reader Review
Yoga From the Inside Out, February 2,
Reviewer: An Customer from New York, NY
United States
One of the best books on hatha yoga ever. There's nothing
difficult to understand or apply. But the material will
probably change the way you practice. It certainly did
for me. I've been practicing yoga, on and off, for about
ten years. I've taken classes with terrific teachers and
even an agonizing series of 6 a.m. seminars with K.
Pattabhi Jois. Yoga never got beyond the physical for me
until I read Schiffman's book. Sometimes I wondered what
the real difference was between a good hatha yogi and a
contortionist. That question has been answered. Schiffman
teaches the internals of yoga. His focus is on mobilizing
the body's intrinsic energy--qi or prana--in each posture.
The postures act as energy templates, he explains, but
it's necessary to understand the lines of flow and
circulation. He makes this very easy to understand and
apply. And when you do, the external technique improves
and you become precise without thinking about every
distracting detail. Also, Schiffman's approach is
beautiful. He teaches you to sense your limits and learn
when you want to stay well within them, and when you want
to push them. This is a method of gentle, "occasional
healthy pain, tremendous gain." Schiffman is
schooled in the Iyengar and Desikachar approaches.
Precision is important to him. But he's taken it a
quantum step farther. With Iyengar's Light on Yoga and
Donna Farhi's Yoga Mind, Body & Spirit, Schiffman's
book completes a trinity of the three most impressive,
helpful books on hatha yoga I've seen, regardless of
which style you practice or your level of skill.
The Heart of Yoga:
Developing a Personal Practice
by T. K. V. Desikachar
Paperback: 272 pages ;
(March 1, 1999)
Inner Traditions Intl Ltd; ISBN:
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Book Description
The first yoga text to outline a step-by-step sequence
for developing a complete practice according to viniyoga--yoga
adapted to the needs of the individual.
A contemporary classic by a world-renowned teacher.
This new edition adds thirty-two poems by Krishnamacharya
that capture the essence of his teachings.
Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, who lived to be over 100
years old, was one of the greatest yogis of the modern
era. Elements of Krishnamacharya's teaching have become
well known around the world through the work of B. K. S.
Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois, and Indra Devi, who all studied
with Krishnamacharya. Krishnamacharya's son T. K. V.
Desikachar lived and studied with his father all his life
and now teaches the full spectrum of Krishnamacharya's
yoga. Desikachar has based his method on
Krishnamacharya's fundamental concept of viniyoga, which
maintains that practices must be continually adapted to
the individual's changing needs to achieve the maximum
therapeutic value.
In The Heart of Yoga Desikachar offers a distillation of
his father's system as well as his own practical
approach, which he describes as "a program for the
spine at every level--physical, mental, and spiritual."
This is the first yoga text to outline a step-by-step
sequence for developing a complete practice according to
the age-old principles of yoga. Desikachar discusses all
the elements of yoga--poses and counterposes, conscious
breathing, meditation, and philosophy--and shows how the
yoga student may develop a practice tailored to his or
her current state of health, age, occupation, and
Yoga is more complex then just poses. This book
shows you!, December 6, 2002
Reviewer: An Customer from Seattle, WA
This book is a great starting point for an understanding
of yoga and what it really is.
Yoga is more then just poses to get skinny. Yoga is a way
to make you happier, healthy, and strong.
If you start yoga in a class at a gym you will not learn
as much as you could if read his book. Most yoga in the
US is the non threatining version. An ex-aerobics
instructor who took 20 hours of yoga teaching classes is
not fit to teach the real yoga.
This book is not trying to change your religion. Hindus
are not expected to do yoga. Any god of your choice (or
no god) will do.
Yoga is a philosophy not a religion. This book gives you
the why and the how. Holding poses is not yoga. You need
this book to know why you do things in yoga. If you read
this, your practice of yoga will be better and you will
get 100 times more out of it.
Buy the book before you buy any other yoga book.
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Awakening the
by Dr. David Frawley, Sandra Summerfield
Paperback - 192 pages ; (November
Harper SanFrancisco; ISBN: 0062507923
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Book Description
A revolutionary new method of yoga for overall fitness
that teaches "if it hurts, it's wrong'"--from a
vibrant 83-year-old master.
About the Author
Vanda Scaravelli was born in Florence, Italy. She studied
for many years with B.K.S. Iyengar and trains teachers
who teach her new form of yoga all over the world.
Yoga's Star Teacher, June 7, 2001
Reviewer: A reader from Ontario Canada
This book is the only one Vanda Scaravelli has written.
Her work has been appreciated as well as influenced by
Iyengar and Desikarchar. Although few asana illustrations
are included, it is a masterpiece in understanding how
the breath and gravity and the spine are centerplace to
our work in yoga. We have lost Vanda but this book is a
fine connection to her brillance. Bravo!
Yoga: The
Iyengar Way
by Silva Mehta, Mira Mehta, Shyam Mehta
Paperback: 192 pages ;
(April 1990)
Knopf; ISBN: 0679722874
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Book Description
A comprehensive, practical, and authoritative guide to
the method developed by Iyengar. 100 key postures with
detailed step-by-step instructions and photographs. This
is our most recently published yoga book and has quickly
become a backlist bestseller.
Reader Review
Great Book! The Second Best Book On Hatha
Yoga!, November 4, 1999
Reviewer: An Customer
This is a wonderful book based on the teachings of B.K.S.
Iyengar. The poses are explained in an easy-to-understand
way, with large, color pictures. Highly recommended,
especially for beginners who may be intimidated by Mr.
Iyengar's more comprehensive book "Light On Yoga."
Buy both books. Study them daily, do the poses, and in
every way your life will begin changing for the better.
Yoga for Wellness:
Healing with the Timeless Teachings of Viniyoga
by Gary Kraftsow
Paperback: 384 pages ;
(October 1999)
Arkana; ISBN: 0140195696
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Book Description
A fully illustrated, step-by-step guide to achieve
wellness through Viniyoga.
Mainstream America is finally catching on to what Eastern
countries have known for thousands of years--that yoga is
not only a great, low-impact way to increase flexibility
and reduce stress, it is also useful in healing any
number of afflictions, from common aches and pains to
chronic diseases and emotional setbacks. In this easy to
follow guide for practitioners at all levels, America's
leading teacher of Viniyoga emphasizes the physical as
well as the spiritual components of healing through yoga.
Beginning with a general introduction, he then includes
case studies and specific yoga sequences designed to
address individual ailments. Best of all, each step of
each posture in a sequence is clearly illustrated with
its own photograph. The exercises in this book are truly
transformative and certain to help those searching for
alternatives to mainstream medicine and those looking for
a way of becoming more involved in their own physical
About the Author
Founder of the American Viniyoga Institute, Gary Kraftsow
is one of the few Westerners certified to train teachers
and therapists in the Viniyoga lineage of T.
Krishnamacharya and T. K. V. Desikachar. He conducts
seminars and retreats throughout the United States and
Europe and makes his home in Maui, Hawaii. Review
There's more to yoga than stretching and bending and
twisting. In Yoga for Wellness, one of America's top yoga
teachers gives a clinic on the holistic nature of yoga
practice, especially in regard to healing and well-being.
With over a thousand photographs, Gary Kraftsow covers
the basic postures, the specific movements of each
posture, and how to sequence postures in a routine. More
importantly, he moves from form to function, showing how
sequences of postures can alleviate ailments in each
system of the body, from lower back pain to hypertension--even
depression and multiple sclerosis. In case studies of his
own clients, we see how Kraftsow's holistic approach has
him recommending not only posture prescriptions, but
breathing exercises, sound techniques, and
visualizations, not to mention such commonly neglected
wisdom as eating a healthy breakfast and getting closer
to nature. Yoga for Wellness is the rare yoga instruction
manual that teaches the basics of yoga while also paying
more than just lip service to the original intention of
yoga--achieving a balance of mental, physical, and
spiritual wellness. -- Brian Bruya
-- Copyright ©, Inc. --
Reader Review
One of the best....., July 3, 2002
Reviewer: An Customer from Batavia, IL
United States
As a yoga instructor, I use many yoga books for reference.
After taking a workshop with Kraftsow, I bought this book
and have not been disappointed. I find that I refer to
this book over and over again, even over my Iyengar books.
Kraftsow's advice on modifying asanas for health reasons
or physical limitations is right-on. Too many yoga
classes nowadays are seen purely as another type of
aerobics class with no value placed on "honoring the
body". In my opinion, too many yoga teachers
nowadays are approaching asanas from the "one size
fits all" perspective, without taking into account
an individual's capabilities or limitations.
I believe that Kraftsow's advice and the photos on how to
modify asanas to prevent or help injuries is invaluable.
This book should be required reading in every yoga
teacher training class.
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Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga
by Vishnudevananda, Swami Vishnu-Devananda,
Swami Vishnudervananda
Paperback - 384 pages
; Reprint edition (April 1995)
Crown Pub; ISBN: 0517884313
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Book Description
Since 1960, more than 1 million people have used this
classic guide to tap the incredible power of yoga. The
attractive new edition, in a new size, will appeal to a
wide audience of contemporary yoga students.
Reader Review
One of the best popular books on yoga,
September 14, 2001
Reviewer: Dennis Littrell
(see more about me at
from SoCal
This book was my first yoga book; as such it is close to
my heart. I read it (in another edition) in 1974 and used
it as a guide to my practice for many years thereafter.
It is not, of course, "complete." No "complete
book of" ever is. That is a publisher's fiction. It
is however, very thorough in presenting the yoga of
Patanjali and the classical Hatha Yoga Pradipika to the
English speaking reader. Much of the book is devoted to
asana, highlighted by 146 photos of demonstration by an
unidentified young man, who is as good as, if not better
than (if that is possible), the accomplished and
illustrious B. K. S. Iyengar in showing the sort of
suppleness and precision that can achieved. The photos
really are extraordinary. There is an excellent and
lengthy chapter on pranayama and several on the
philosophy and spiritual aspects of yoga. Consequently
this goes beyond hatha yoga and becomes a treatise on
raja yoga, the so-called "king's yoga" or
"ashtanga yoga," or "eight-limbed"
yoga--the yoga codified and outlined by Patanjali about
eighteen hundred years ago. Raja yoga, which is a
continuation of hatha yoga, is to be distinguished from
the three other yogas of the ancients, karma yoga, bhakti
yoga, and jnana yoga, respectively the yogas of selfless
action, devotion, and knowledge. (There is also tantric
yoga, the so-called "left-handed path," the
beginnings of which are lost in antiquity. Following the
example of the Bhagavad Gita, tantric yoga is not
mentioned in this book.) Raja yoga is sometimes called
"the science of mental control," as it is here
on page 220.
There are many experts on asana; and there are many
academics whose knowledge of yoga and yoga culture is
extensive. But there are few public teachers of yoga who
have mastered all aspects of yoga and can be said to be
truly accomplished. Vishnu-devananda is one of them, that
is clear from this book. B. K. S. Iyengar is another. I
have read nearly a hundred books on yoga in English, and
I would not be able to identify more than a handful of
other authors as "siddhas," or "accomplished
ones." Usually, a yogi who realizes samadhi ceases
to be a public person. It is only the few--perhaps taking
their inspiration from the Buddha, who returned from
bliss to instruct humankind--that actually take the
trouble to write books. I believe that Vishnu-devananda
may be one of them. Certainly the knowledge and wisdom
emanating from these pages suggests as much.
Incidentally, "Vishnu" is one of the deities of
Hinduism ("the Preserver"); a "deva"
is a personal divine (such as Krishna, a manifestation of
Vishnu); and "ananda" is bliss itself.
Yoga, fully realized, is a mystical and religious
practice--be sure and understand that it is a practice:
mere knowledge will not be efficacious. Its ultimate
purpose is the realization of the Absolute, or to be
joined with the Ineffable, or to live continually in the
state of samadhi (three ways of saying what is
essentially the same thing). Nonetheless, physical health
and well-being can be gotten along the way (indeed they
are prerequisites to samadhi), and sufficient in
themselves as reasons for taking up the practice.
One of the auxiliary strengths of this book is in its
presentation of the Vedic and Hindu viewpoint through the
study and practice of yoga. Swami Vishnu-devananda
reveals himself here as an accomplished jnana yogi as
well as a master of raja yoga. While I do not agree with
everything written here, and could easily point to some
exaggerations (hyperbole, of course, is part of the
tradition of yogic literature, fulfilling an "intentional"
purpose) as well as to some ideas that are perhaps more
central to Hinduism than to yoga itself, I nonetheless
believe that what Vishnu-devananda writes is wise and
measured and worth careful study. I don't think one can
really understand yoga or appreciate its place in our
world without not only a long practice but also a
concomitant study of its origins and historical
development in the Hindu, Buddhist, Tantric, Jainist and
other traditions. This book is an excellent beginning.
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The Art of Yoga
by Sharon Gannon, David Life, Martin
Brading (Photographer), Anoushka Shankar
Hardcover: 192 pages;
(October 2002)
Stewart, Tabori & Chang; ISBN:
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Reader Review
The Art of Yoga, December 4, 2002
Reviewer: A reader from Seattle, WA USA
I am in awe at the beauty and grace presented in this
book. If I am feeling down, or sad, I open the book,
observe the grace and beauty and read the text that is
opposite the photograph- and in an instant my mind clears
and once again I feel grounded
Yoga Vacations: A
Guide to International Yoga Retreats
by Annalisa Cunningham
Paperback: 240 pages (November
Avalon Travel Publishing; ISBN:
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Book Description
More and more people are seeking vacations that are
relaxing rather than chaotic, that help them renew their
sense of health rather than keep them running frantically
from sight to sight. Yoga Vacations highlights over 100
different vacation centers and retreats for both the
beginner and advanced yoga practitioner. It includes
detailed, thoughtfully written entries providing
information on teachers' styles and philosophies,
recommended levels of experience, and activities and
services, as well as the basics on accommodations, meals,
and fees. The author, a 15-year yoga instructor, makes a
distinction between yoga vacations and retreats to help
readers customize their perfect getaway. Some
destinations are strictly retreats - places for quiet, in-depth
yoga study - while the vacation settings listed allow
free time for nearby shopping and sightseeing.
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