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Selected Books
about Yoga:

- Hatha Yoga in most
- Aqua
- for
- for
- for
- for
- for
- for
- for
- for
- Asanas- 608 Yoga
Poses (2003)
- Yoga-
The Path To Holistic Health (2001)
- Yoga (2002)
- Yoga for Your Type
- An Ayurvedic Approach to Your Asana Practice
- Yoga for
Transformation- Ancient Teachings and Practices
for Healing the Body, Mind, and Heart (2002)
- Structural
Yoga Therapy- Adapting to the Individual (2001)
- Yoga
Mind, Body & Spirit- A Return to Wholeness
- Light on
Yoga- Yoga Dipika (1995)
- Hatha
Yoga- The Hidden Language- Symbols, Secrets, and
Metaphor (1996)
Next Page »
Beginning Yoga Class (2000)
The Spirit And Practice Of Moving Into Stillness
Heart of Yoga- Developing a Personal Practice
the Spine (1995)
Yoga- The
Iyengar Way (1990)
for Wellness- Healing with the Timeless Teachings
of Viniyoga (1999)
Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga (1995)
Art of Yoga (2002)
Vacations- A Guide to International Yoga Retreats
Asanas: 608 Yoga
by Dharma Mittra
Paperback: 672 pages ;
(April 2003)
New World Library; ISBN: 1577314026
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Book Description
In 1974, the legendary "teacher of teachers"
yogi Dharma Mittra photographed himself in 908 yoga
postures. He printed each photo as an 8 x 10 and pasted
them together to form a poster, creating the Ultimate
Yoga Chart as a gift for his teacher, Swami Kailashananda
(Yogi Gupta). Asanas collects 708 of those black-and-white
photographs, each accompanied by the English name of the
pose and the Sanskrit characters, brief commentary, and
specific combinations for vinyasa, ashtanga, and Iyengar
practice. Because it builds on basic postures, Asanas
will appeal to students of any of the 100 yoga styles. In
addition, specific sequences for each of the major styles
of yoga; for beginning, intermediate, and advanced yoga
students; as well as for particular health problems are
also featured.
Reader Review
Emulate a yogi master, April 22,
Reviewer: Lori Federman
from New York
I have watched Dharma Mittra's incredible poses live and
through his poster, and I have wished to scrutinize each
under magnification and learn from each pose to the
fullest. My wish came true. This book is an incredible
reference and inspiration, covering the full scope of
hatha yoga (many poses come as a surprise even to the
experienced). There are beautiful introductions to the
chapters written by Dharma. Otherwise, the focus is
simply and brilliantly on the asana (1 per page- one can
also interestingly use this as an animated "flip
book" to better understand Dharma's movement in the
sequences). There are no distractions of accessory text
or excessive design on these pages. Although the book has
a contemporary look, I feel at times I am viewing an
ancient book on yoga...and I realize in many ways I am.
We are told the best path to perfecting our hatha yoga
practice is to watch a yogi master practice to perfection
and then emulate them. Here is our opportunity.
The Path To Holistic Health
by B. K. S. Iyengar
Hardcover: 408 pages ;
(March 2001)
DK Publishing; ISBN: 0789471655
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Book Description
Around the world, increasing numbers of people are
turning to yoga as a means of keeping fit and reducing
stress. In this comprehensive and highly illustrated
guide B.K.S. Iyengar, the world's leading teacher of
yoga, shares his unique, holistic approach. For Iyengar,
yoga is more than just a form of exercise; it is a
holistic experience that benefits the body, mind, and
spirit. He outlines the philosophy and ideals behind this
ancient practice and explains how yoga can help to
counter the stresses of modern living. Designed for every
level of ability, age, and physical condition, there are
detailed instructions for beginner, intermediate, and
advanced students. Clearly illustrated, step-by-step
instructions explain how to perform each yoga asana, or
posture, correctly, while a unique 360-degree view of the
final pose shows exactly how to position each part of the
body. A special section introduces B.K.S. Iyengar's
innovative use of props, enabling beginners or the less
flexible to practice the classic yoga asanas more easily
and effectively. A further section illustrates sequences
of asanas to treat or prevent a wide range of ailments.
In addition, there is a 20-week yoga course, personally
formulated by B.K.S. Iyengar, which progresses from
simple to more challenging postures. Without a doubt,
Yoga: The Iyengar Way is the definitive guide to the
practice of yoga by the master.
by Linda Sparrowe, David Martinez (Illustrator),
Yoga Journal
Hardcover: 448 pages ;
(October 2002)
Hugh Lauter Levin Associates; ISBN:
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Book Description
Yogas 5,000-year tradition is rich and varied, and
has always evolved to meet the needs of the culture it
serves. Ever increasing numbers of people come to the
practice and encounter its many benefits: the union of
opposites; an understanding of the effect of the outside
world on the body; a significant reduction in stress; a
path to liberation; and the discovery of ones true
self. Above all else, yoga has been and continues to be
about the process of transformation. Linda Sparrowe
discusses yogas roots in the sacred texts and
provides a look at the 20th-century yogis who brought it
to the West Swami Sivananda Saraswati, Indra Devi,
and B. K. S. Iyengar, to name a few. Four hundred artful
posture-illustrating photographs of the most famous yoga
practitioners, including Rodney Yee, Patricia Walden,
Sharon Gannon, David Life, and Richard Freeman, pull the
reader ever closer to this powerful practice.
Beautiful!, February 26, 2003
Reviewer: An Customer from Blue Point, NY
United States
This book exemplifies the depth of yoga asana. The photos
are amazing and a real inspiration for anybody that
practices yoga. The postures that are represented in this
book should in no way discourage any student of any level
but rather be an encouragement to know that there's
always something to stive for. I highly recommend this
book to anybody that enjoys yoga.
Yoga for Your
Type : An Ayurvedic Approach to Your
Asana Practice
by Dr. David Frawley, Sandra Summerfield
Paperback - 275 pages ; (October
Arcana Pub; ISBN: 091026130X
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Book Description
This is the first book that details how to choose Yoga
asanas (Yoga poses) mostappropriate for your unique body
type according to the five thousand year oldsystem of
Ayurvedic medicine. These two systems of healing and
energymanagement have long been regarded as effective
methods of relieving stress,creating personal balance,
eliminating ailments, and relieving chronic pain.Yoga for
Your Type presents a fundamental understanding of both
Yoga andAyurveda and provides the information needed for
you to balance your energy andfeel healthy.
Understanding of Yoga and Ayurveda,
September 1, 2002
Reviewer: Jill from Tacoma, Wa
Yoga for Your Type is an excellent book for everybody
whether they practice Yoga or Ayurvedic or just want to
be healthy. In the first chapter the authors give a brief
but thorough basis for the understanding of yoga and of
Ayurveda. Ms Kozak, who is well known for her exceptional
teaching and wealth of yoga information, not only gives
complete directions for practicing each of the yoga
postures but, in the second chapter gives valuable
information about how to practice. Both the third and
fourth chapter make this a lasting manual for our
practices by giving us 6-12 months of practice directions
for the three doshic types.
Yoga for
Transformation: Ancient Teachings
and Practices for Healing the Body, Mind, and Heart
by Gary Kraftsow
Paperback: 288 pages ;
(June 4, 2002)
Penguin USA (Paper); ISBN: 0140196293
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Yoga has millions of devotees in the Western world, but
most contemporary yoga students center their practice on
postures but not on the ancient teachings that are still
relevant today. In Yoga for Transformation, author Gary
Kraftsow leads the modern yoga student in combining
posture practice with the rich and deep tradition of
mind, heart, and spirit. He presents core postures (asanas),
clearly illustrated by models of all ages, and describes
how to incorporate breathing, chanting, meditation,
prayer, and ritual to add a spiritual dimension to your
"The purpose of these practices is to serve you in
deepening your self-understanding, and to assist you in
the process of self-transformation," writes
Kraftsow, founder of the American Viniyoga institute and
author of Yoga for Wellness: Healing with the Timeless
Teachings of Viniyoga. Viniyoga is a methodology for
developing a personal yoga practice using asana,
pranayama (breathing), meditation, ritual, and prayer.
This multifaceted book is recommended for the serious
yoga student who wants to explore new dimensions of yoga;
it's not for the beginner or dabbler. --- Joan Price
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About the Author
Gary Kraftsow is the founder of the American Viniyoga
Institute and teaches in the Viniyoga lineage of T.
Krishnamacharya and T. K. V. Desikachar. He conducts
seminars and retreats throughout the United States and
Europe and trains teachers and therapists.
Reader Review
An Authoritative Presentation and Practice
Manual, July 30, 2002
Reviewer: John W. Kepner
(see more about me at
from Little Rock, AR USA
I have actively worked with this book for 2 months and
this teacher for 5 years. This is an elegant, innovative
introduction and practice manual for the broader and
deeper dimensions to Yoga practice.
The publication is in two parts. The first is a
presentation of the classical five dimensions to the
human being from the Taittriyha Upanishad integrated with
the Kriya Yoga model of transformation from Patanjali's
Yoga Sutras and the age and orientation models of Yoga
practice from the teaching lineage often known as
Viniyoga in the West. This discussion alone will be of
much interest to the serious Yoga student of any
tradition, for many classical teachings are condensed in
a well-written, authoritative and accessible manner. The
authority comes both from the influential teachings of
Krishnamacharya and his son, Desikachar and the
scholarship of the author, a student of Desikachar,
Sanskrit and religion for many years.
Following this foundation is a series of discussions and
practices sequentially emphasizing each of the 5
dimensions: Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijnanamaya
and Anadamaya. Within these discussions are more well-written
teachings on Pranayama, the Bandhas and the Cakra model.
These practices are instructive and surprisingly
challenging by themselves, but they are not prescriptions.
They are illustrations of principles that can be further
adapted by individuals to better support their own bodies
and purpose for Yoga practice. In brief, this is what the
Viniyoga teachings are all about. Still, the practices
can be practiced by individuals on their own or used by a
teacher as a template when working with his or her own
students in group classes. For those not familiar with
Viniyoga, the practices are well-presented with pictures
and detailed instructions.
For those who have worked with the author for some time,
several of the practices are familiar, but others are new.
Many of the best practices he has presented at workshops
are not shown. This book will be a relief for the many
students who have tried to recall the flood of
information presented at workshops around the country
because much, but not all, is finally written down. A
natural complement for this book is Kraftsow's first
book, Yoga for Wellness, where the principles of Viniyoga
asana practice are presented, along with many therapeutic
applications of breath and movement. Three other good
complements are Yoga for Body, Breath and Mind by A.G.
Mohan, The Heart of Yoga by T.K.V. Desikachar and The
Essence of Yoga: Reflections on the Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali by Bernard Bouanchaud.
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Yoga Therapy: Adapting to the
by Mukunda Stiles
Hardcover: 360 pages ;
(January 2001)
Red Wheel/Weiser; ISBN: 1578631777
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Book Description
Written for serious practitioners and teachers who want
to use yoga to bring complete balance to the body, and
understand, in more detail, how the asanas affect the
structure of the body. You will learn "body reading"
to determine what posture reveals about muscular
imbalances. Stiles shares his understanding of anatomy
and kinesiology, joint mobility and muscle strength, and
teaches a series of joint-freeing exercises that can also
be used to strengthen muscles. 123 illustrations.
Reader Review
Well organized useful book, April 8,
Reviewer: Peggy Baldwin
from Portland, OR USA
I've looked at many books about yoga for various physical
needs, and this is the most knowledgable and
comprehensive book I've seen. Reading Peg2's comments, I
can see what she means about photos. They would have been
nice, or at least drawings of the postures in various
phases, but in my mind this "inadequacy" is
greatly overshadowed by other aspects of this book.
Charts and comprehensive details about muscles need to be
strengthened or stretched. There is a great deal of
information about body structure, and the reader is
guided through an analysis of their own posture problems.
I have suspected that my shoulder, back, and knee
problems were related to each other in some way. This
book confirmed it. I have been doing recommended postures
for a few weeks and am seeing real progress. I feel like
I'm equipped to go into a yoga class and modify or
substitute postures for to meet the needs of my body. The
author has a physical therapy degree and well as yoga
training and his knowledge level is very apparent in this
book. I can't recommend it enough! This information is
not available anywhere else that I know about, in this
beautifully organized, accessible way.
Mind, Body & Spirit: A Return to
by Donna Farhi
Paperback - 271 pages
; (May 2000)
Henry Holt & Company, Inc.; ISBN:
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Book Description
The first book to unify all yoga styles and bring the
understanding of yoga's mind-body connection clearly into
the mainstream. In this comprehensive guide, Donna Farhi,
the internationally renowned yoga instructor and author
of The Breathing Book, brings her holistic approach to
this centuries-old Eastern practice. Yoga Mind, Body
& Spirit is the first book to present the vital
essence of hatha yoga from a perspective that will enable
Westerners to experience authentic yoga practice directly.
Providing detailed instructions, practice tips, and
inspiration for students at all levels, Donna Farhi works
with universal movement principles that may be applied to
all styles of yoga, including ashtanga, Iyengar, Kripalu,
and viniyoga. At the heart of this book are seventy-five
fully illustrated asanas, or postures, with descriptions
of their executions and benefits. On every page Farhi's
teaching gifts are evident, and through clear, easy-to-follow
explanations you'll discover
*the core movement principles that underlie all yoga
*the philosophical precepts that are the foundation of a
balanced life
*the postures arranged into related groups--including
standing postures, sitting postures, arm balances, and
breathing practices--for quick and easy reference
*home practice sessions outlined for the beginning and
advanced student
Fabulous Guide for Beginners!, March 31,
Reviewer: An Customer from USA
This may be the best yoga book I've ever read. There is
an excellent section on the mechanics of movement, and
the descriptions of the poses are very thorough, and very
detailed. The photos of what NOT to do are especially
helpful. This book will be interesting to all yoga
students, but I think it's absolutely invaluable for the
beginner because it is so well-thought out and
descriptive--A must-have!
Light on
Yoga: Yoga Dipika
by B. K. S. Iyengar, Yehudi Menuhin
Paperback: 544 pages ;
Revised edition (January 1995)
Schocken Books; ISBN: 0805210318
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Reader Review
No.1 Book on Yoga, March 2, 2003
Reviewer: Dorota Kluza
from Chicago, Illinois United States
I checked many books on yoga and this one, first
published in 1966, still is the best. It contains an
introductory part about yoga, its philosophy.
Subsequently, it provides approximately 200 asanas. Each
asana is rated based on its difficulty level. It contains
a very brief description of a posture and derivation of
its name, provides a technique - a step-by-step
description of what needs to be done in order to properly
perform an asana and emphasizes where to pay particular
attention. It also lists effects of a particular asana on
our body and mind. Each posture is supported by a black-and-white
photograph (often times there are pictures of the same
asana taken from different angles).
My only concerns are to the publisher: this book, because
of its content, has been one of the best and most popular
books on yoga. Yet, it is printed on a cheap paper, it is
difficult to have it opened on a particular page during a
practice and the font size is very small. I would like to
see its graphic design updated, while still keeping the
original black-and-white pictures of B.K.S. Iyengar
demonstrating the asanas.
Yoga: The Hidden Language: Symbols,
Secrets, and Metaphor
by Swami Sivananda Radha
Paperback: 312 pages ;
(January 1, 1996)
Timeless Books; ISBN: 0931454743
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Book Description
In Hatha Yoga: The Hidden Language, Swami Radha explains
the broader nature and purpose of the yoga asanas. Using
22 classical postures, she delves into symbolism and
metaphor to show how each posture is like a symbolic
gesture that creates a specific effect on the mind. She
invites yoga students and teachers to use reflection and
visualization in their own practice to discover the
psychological and mystical benefits of Hatha Yoga and
gain a deep appreciation of the power of yoga as a tool
for self-transformation.
For instruction in this type of yoga, also available are
audiocassettes: Introduction to Hidden Language and in
the Hidden Language Series: Eagle & Cock, Mountain
& Headstand, Shavasana, Tortoise & Fish, Triangle
& Shoulderstand.
About the Author
Swami Sivananda Radha (1911 1995) is the author of
ten classic books on yoga, including Kundalini Yoga for
the West and Hatha Yoga: The Hidden Language, and the
originator of Ascent magazine. After being initiated by
her teacher, Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, India, Swami
Radha returned to North America in 1956. She founded
Yasodhara Ashram in Canada and the Association for the
Development of Human Potential in the United States.
Swami Radha dedicated her life to updating the Eastern
teachings for the Western mind. By the time of her death
at age 84, she had become one of the Wests most
highly regarded spiritual teachers.
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