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Raja Yoga
- The Art and
Science of Raja Yoga- Fourteen Steps to Higher
Awareness- Based on the Teachings of Paramhansa
Yogananda (2002)
- Raja-Yoga (1982)
- Raja Yoga - A Path to
Super Conscious Bliss (2003)
- Practical
Meditation- Spiritual Yoga for the Mind (2000)
The Art and Science
of Raja Yoga: Fourteen Steps to Higher Awareness: Based
on the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda
by J. Donald Walters, Swami Kriyananda
Hardcover: 480 pages;
Book and CD edition (April 1, 2002)
Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers;
ISBN: 156589166X
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Book Description
This 480 page, hardcover volume, is the most
comprehensive course on yoga and meditation offered today.
It provides a balanced and complete approach to Raja
Yoga, which is also known as the "royal" yoga,
and which has historically shown itself to be a proven
system for realizing one's spiritual destiny. Each of its
fourteen chapters is organized around seven main topics -
Philosophy, Yoga Postures, Breathing, Routines, Healing,
Diet and Meditation. In addition, it provides in-depth
discussions on the paths of Karma, Bhakti, and Gyana yoga
"The Art and Science of Raja Yoga" has text and
photographs covering more than 50 yoga postures and
breathing exercises, over 35 healthful recipes, and
dozens of meditation tips and techniques. It also
provides advice on numerous common health complaints such
as headaches, insomnia, hypertension, fatigue, digestion,
sexual problems, etc. It comes complete with a companion
CD that contains guided yoga postures sessions, a guided
meditation, and an inspiring talk on how to use these
techniques to solve many of the problems of daily life.
It includes a general index, and an index of recipes.
Reader Review
It is all about Raja Yoga!, February 10,
Reviewer: madeby
from Philly Girl
I was amazed at the beauty and simplicity of this text.
It told me much of what I needed to know to start my
journey on my Spiritual path. I felt that Swami
Kriyananda's insights were clear and blended Christianity
and Raja Yoga in a way that made sense to my Christian
upbringing! Being rather skeptical by natural, I found
the step-by-step process that Swami offers perfect for
someone with a science/medical background (nursing) to
gain the knowledge needed to open my heart and start on
my true Path. There is even a page offering Student
Support with a phone number and email address to contact
someone with the questions that inevitably arise.
Each unit is broken down into 'do-able' pieces. One can
read through the entire book then go back at anytime or
take one chapter at a time and absorb as much as
necessary. I especially like the sections on Breathing (Pranayama)-
offering many different techniques that can be
incorporated into daily life at any time! There is also
Philosophy, Meditation, Diet, Postures and Routines for
every section or unit.
I am not a Hatha Yoga expert but am very much the amateur!
I do Hatha Yoga to open my heart, to stretch my sometimes
rather stiff body, and also to prepare myself for
meditation. I like the Affirmations offered by Swami for
each posture (asana). They help me to go deeper into the
postures, and to direct my energy into a calm and
positive direction.
I appreciate being able to read a book and develop my own
thoughts on that subject - not having someone's beliefs
shoved down my throat. I feel that the approach taken in
this book offers me just that, a way to read and decide
what works and what does not work for me. I really
believe that this course in the Art & Science of Raja
Yoga is great for everyone, beginners and those already
committed to their Spiritual Path alike!
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by Swami Vivekananda
Paperback: 327 pages (December
Ramakrishna Vivekanada Center; ISBN:
091120623X Price - Quick Click Buying
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Reader Review
A Definitive Work for the Serious Yoga
Practitioner, December 9, 2001
Reviewer: A reader from New Mexico, USA
I consider this book by Vivekananda to be a definitive
work on the subject of Raja/Ashtanga/Kundalini Yoga. It
is a must-read for any serious practitioner of true,
spiritual yoga.
The first part of the book is comprised of several
lectures delivered over 50 years ago by Swami Vivekananda
to his classes in New York, and the second part is, to
use his own words, a "rather free translation"
of the Aphorisms of Patanjali.
Though Vivekananda's writing style strikes me as rather
philosophical and high-minded at times, he does provide
an accurate and valuable map of the eight stages of yoga
(also called 'ashtanga' yoga). He outlines the correct
approach to pranayama and meditation and accurately
explains the more advanced meditation practices of
Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. The latter is something
I've noted other authors tend to either avoid entirely
or, if they do attempt to explain it, make mistakes that
indicate they don't really know the purpose of such
states or what goes on in them.
What I found most reassuring about this book is that
Vivekananda makes no mistakes in regard to the functions,
methods and purposes of the various stages of yoga. His
descriptions and explanations match my experiences
completely and I therefore feel he can be relied upon to
steer the intelligent reader in the right direction.
What I didn't find helpful were his digressions,
primarily in the first part of the book, into what seem
to be debates on obscure points of yoga philosophy. He
often seems to be debating with unseen opponents, or
perhaps trying to distinguish himself from other
philosophies and schools of thought popular in his day. I
found some of his reasoning in this regard clearly flawed
though, or at least lacking the consideration of other,
more apparent, possibilities. Perhaps this was due to the
texts being transcriptions of on-the-spot lectures
instead of carefully considered and worded essays.
In any case, the practical information Vivekananda openly
outlines in this book on yoga and its methods is clear
and, in my opinion, highly worthwhile. I recommend this
book for the serious yoga practitioner.
Raja Yoga : A Path
to Super Conscious Bliss
by Sri Joseph M. Ketron III (Author)
Paperback: 140 pages (April
Writers Club Press; ISBN: 0595258549 Price - Quick Click Buying
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About the Author
Sri Joseph M. Ketron III has been practicing Yoga for 26
years. It was not until two years ago that he intensified
his devotion to Yoga.
After almost dying from an allergic reaction to a virus,
he lost 6% of his body weight in two weeks, hair began
falling out and was left weak and lacking in
concentration. He began going to Hatha and Iyengar Yoga
classes five days a week and began going to Mass seven
days a week to regain his strength, concentration and
reaffirm his devotion to the Infinite Supreme Being and
believe in the Breath of life. After only two months, one
of his teachers, Caroline Rogers encouraged him to become
a teacher. He obtained his Master of Yoga Education
Degree from High-Tech Yoga, Lowell, Mass. and is a
Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher.
He is a member of St. Olafs Roman Catholic Church outside
of Williamsburg, Va. where he plays the drums and other
percussion instruments at two Masses a week. He currently
teaches Hatha Yoga for the Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation at the Williamsburg Lodge one day a week and
teaches Yoga for free to students at the College of
William and Mary also in Williamsburg, Va. He also runs a
number of Charitable Efforts and works with Habitat for
Humanity. If you would like to help further, with
providing wells in Third World Nations. You may send
checks to World Peace Fund. Sri Joseph M. Ketron III, 128
Davis Drive Williamsburg, Va. 23185.
Meditation: Spiritual Yoga for the Mind
by Sister Jayanti
Paperback - 150 pages; (October
1, 2000)
Health Communications; ISBN: 155874827X
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Book Description
A compilation of inspirational passages and meditations
that offer instant stress relief and greater control over
our lives.
In today's increasingly frenetic environment, we are
searching for ways to develop tolerance, balance and
power over our thoughts. Practical Meditation provides a
compilation of inspirational passages, exercises and
mantras that, when practiced over time, bring a sense of
clarity, self-awareness and peace of mind. You will
achieve a deeper knowledge of yourself, thus allowing you
to make better decisions and interact with people in a
more balanced, giving and loving way.
Brief chapters cover themes including: self-awareness,
controlling thoughts, karma and achieving soul-consciousness.
By becoming familiar with these concepts and practicing
the corresponding meditations, you can tap into their
"eight powers" of tolerance, courage,
cooperation, accommodation, discrimination, judgment,
withdrawing negative thoughts and disregarding mundane
With the compact size and easy-to-read format of this
book you can carry it with you anywhere for instant
"de-stressing" at any time of the day.
About the Author
Sister Jayanti is a spiritual teach and leader, a pioneer
and an emissary for peace. At the age of 19 she began her
life's path of spiritual study and service with the
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. At the age of
21 she dedicated her life to making a difference in the
world. She has trained for more than 30 years with some
of the world's more remarkable yogis. As a result, she
herself is an extraordinary meditator and teacher and has
developed a clarity and purity of mind that is
exceptional. She is a sought after speaker
internationally. She is currently the European director
of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and
assists in coordinating the University's activities in
more than 70 countries. She is also their representative
to the United Nations, Geneva.
Reader Review
You can' t go to heaven if you vote.,
May 1, 2002
Reviewer: A reader from New York, NY United States
The book is an easy read. Very clear exercises and
imaginative. However, it doesn't once mention that Sister
Jayanti is one of the leaders of the doomsday cult called
the Brahma Kumaris. The members believe that they and
only they will be in the "Golden Age" (heaven).
Not even Princess Diana, Martin Luther King, Mother
Theresa, Jesus, Buddha, Moses, etc. will be in the Golden
They have been told for over 70 years that the world will
be coming to an end because this world can only last for
5,000 years. They were the biggest fools when nothing
happened during Y2K. If they truly believed that the
world is coming to an end, they wouldn't be investing
their time in the stock market or rolling over their IRAS.
If the world is less than 5,000 years how can they
explain the age of the pyramids, giant meteor craters,
dinosaurs, continent shifts, etc. They simply cannot.
The Brahma Kumaris is a very secretive organization much
like Scientology. Only the weathly and selective
celebrities are given the VIP treatment. According to
them, God told them only the rich are VIPs to God. The
more money you give them "the greater your fortune",
which means the higher your position in heaven will be,
otherwise you will be a servant. Servants in heaven?
Why would you want to waste your time in an organization
that believes the only way to go to heaven is to be a
vegetarian and remain celibate? They are forbidden to
watch television or go to the movies, but many do so
anyway. Most are in denial because they read newspapers,
magazines, novels, eat in restaurants, attend concerts,
exercise, shop, sit next to the opposite sex and even
vote. All of these things are forbidden to those that
want to go to the "Golden Age" (heaven). Who
said you can't go to heaven if you vote? They did.
Isn't it no wonder that only the ones with high self-esteem
and the ability to think for themselves seem to leave the
Brahma Kumaris? If being with losers is your thing, or if
you enjoy being in the company of diabetic obese men and
women or people who are weak and sickly, or if you just
want to be treated accordingly to your income, then the
Brahma Kumaris is for you. If their members were happy,
they wouldn't leave the organization, nor would they
commit suicide. Even the people in charge of the
organization are unhappy and decide to leave so that they
can enjoy a normal life.
Isn't it a wonder that many decide to get married, or
raise a family very shortly after leaving the Brahma
Kumaris? Who wants to be unhappy? If you do, contact your
nearest Brahma Kumaris and get ready for a boring unhappy
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