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about Yoga:
for Teachers
- Light on the
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (2003)
- The Lost Teachings
of Yoga [UNABRIDGED] (Audio -
- Anatomy of Hatha
Yoga- A Manual for Students, Teachers, and
Practitioners (2002)
- A
Physiological Handbook for Teachers of Yogasana
- Yoga for Teachers (The
Missing Peace) (2002)
- Yoga » Structural
Yoga Therapy- Adapting to the Individual (2001)
Light on the
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
by B. K. S. Iyengar
Paperback: 384 pages ;
(January 2003)
Thorsons Pub; ISBN: 0007145160
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Book Description
This book provided readers with a fresh and accessible
translation of this ancient text.
Reader Review
A Definitive Guide for the Aspiring Student,
October 10, 2002
Reviewer: A reader from Chicago, Il United States
In today's world, the main problem with acquiring the
knowledge of a new subject is the lack of contact with a
learned teacher. Between traveling, busy daily schedules
or just living in a place where there is no access to a
learning facility, it is very difficult to pursue the
topic of interest. Where the subject of yoga is
concerned, B.K.S. Iyengar, a master of yogic knowledge
and methods of practice, helps the hopeful student
transverse this barrier by bringing to the masses his
knowledge and direction in a series of wonderful books.
He further enables the aspirant to better practice the
vidhya (science) by developing easy to learn techniques
and availing props to help in the process of practicing
the techniques.
This particular book, Light on the Yoga Sutras, is an in-depth
exposition of the philosophy behind the science of Yoga.
It provides the student with the original sutras (verses)
as written by Patanjali, the Indian sage who compiled the
knowledge of yoga into written form over 2,000 years ago.
The book then offers a translation and explanation of
these sutras, effectively filling in the gaps of
knowledge left by the intensely compact form of the
original sutras.
From all my research into the subject when I first wanted
to learn more about yoga, I can definitely say that this
is one of the best books on the subject I have ever come
across. B.K.S Iyengar provided me with the guidance and
knowledge I needed to confidently pursue the subject
without becoming discouraged.
I would recommend B.K.S Iyengar's Light on Yoga in
addition to this book, for where this book provides the
theory; Light on Yoga provides the practical methodology.
It is essential to fully understand both the practical
and the theory to fully reap the benefits of yoga.
For those who want to delve even deeper into the science
of yoga, Light on Pranayama the Yogic Art of Breathing
provides one with the techniques and insight into the
methods of breathing. It is a good addition as a learning
aid, but not necessary until you are at ease with the
asanas (postures) and have a good grasp of the theory and
knowledge of yoga and are ready for more.
The Lost
Teachings of Yoga [UNABRIDGED]
by Georg Feuerstein
Audio CD: 7 pages ;
Unabridged edition (February 2003)
Sounds True; ISBN: 1591790093
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Reader Review
A Delightful Education and Inspiration,
December 30, 2002
Reviewer: John W. Kepner (see
more about me at from Little
Rock, AR USA
This is an extensive and innovative review of the
traditional teachings of Yoga, well delivered in an
engaging, conversational manner. The key Yoga teachings
from the Hindu, Buddhist and Jainism traditions are
systematically developed, well-woven with references to
both the classic literature and an astounding range of
references to other world wisdom traditions and history.
Among my favorites is his linking of the four traditional
goals of life from the Vedas with the Declaration of
Independence of the United States and the preamble to the
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras are, of course, discussed in
depth. I appreciate his emphasis on the central role of
the Kriya Yoga model of transformation - a model still
quite relevant today - even though there are some
differences from the Krishnamacharya teachings I have
heard from Desikachar and Kraftsow. All of the more well
known eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga are discussed in
depth, with much deserved emphasis on the Yamas and
Niyamas, the traditional moral foundations of Yoga. Each
of the seven traditional paths of Yoga are well explained
in some especially educational ways, not just listing the
different paths. Georg's command and experience with of
the spectrum of Yoga teachings allows him to present some
of the teachings in new ways, such as his 12 steps to
spiritual recovery and his tests for authentic yoga.
The lecture style is easy to listen to. He peppers his
discussions with questions that a modern student would
logically ask, and then weaves personal experience into
his answers. Feuerstein is not afraid to focus on
contemporary issues with the lens of the classical
teachings. For example, free market capitalism. As an
economist I have a few different interpretations than
his, but I appreciate the importance of examining modern
situations and making personal choices from a considered
moral foundation as opposed to simply self-interest.
I see these tapes as an important resource in three key
ways. First, as a delightful educational and thought-provoking
experience for the Yoga student in all of us - perhaps on
long cross-country drives as I do. Second, for Yoga
teachers brushing up on selected topics for their own
teaching. The tapes have already helped me prepare for a
couple of lectures I am giving later this month. Third, I
see these tapes as recommended or required "reading"
in the many new Yoga teacher-training courses springing
up around the country to help meet their philosophy
My only regret is that these lectures on tape are not
available in written form so one can easily go back to
review and highlight key sections. Feuerstein is a
prolific writer and these teaching are well discussed in
a wide variety of his books elsewhere. In my view,
however, the lectures on this tape set are especially
well put together. They are an intellectual tour de force
distilling many decades of study and writing. I very much
enjoy hearing them in his own voice.
Anatomy of
Hatha Yoga: A Manual for Students,
Teachers, and Practitioners
by H. David Coulter, Timothy McCall
Hardcover: 623 pages (October
Body and Breath; ISBN: 0970700601
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Book Description
Anatomy of Hatha Yoga is the only modern authoritative
source that correlates the study of hatha yoga with
anatomy and physiology. Hatha yoga is comprised of
stretching, strengthening and breathing exercises in
upright, lying down and inverted postures. Yoga teachers
and students, personal trainers, medical therapists, or
anyone who is curious or troubled about how the body
responds to stretching and exercise will find in this
book a cornucopia -- partly new and partly old -- of
readable and reliable information. It was written and
edited to meet the needs of a general audience largely
unschooled in the biomechanical sciences, and yet to
attract and challenge the interests of the medical
profession. This book features 230 black and white
photographs and more than 120 diagrams and anatomical
Chapter 1 summarizes general principles of anatomy and
physiology as applied to hatha yoga. Breathing is next in
chapter 2 because yogic breathing expedites movement and
posture. Breathing is followed by pelvic and abdominal
exercises in chapter 3 because the pelvis and abdomen
form the foundation of the body. Standing postures will
then be covered in chapter 4 because these poses are so
important for beginning students, and because they
provide a preview of backbending, forward bending, and
twisting postures, which are covered in detail in
chapters 5, 6, and 7. The headstand and shoulderstand,
including an introduction to cardiovascular function, are
presented in chapters 8 and 9. Postures for relaxation
and meditation are treated last in chapter 10.
Reader Review
Thorough and meticulous, November 2,
Reviewer: An Customer from Boston, MA
United States
This book is required for the yoga teacher training I am
enrolled in. I've read it from cover to cover and I was
blown away by the amount of information Coulter presents.
He doesn't make references to specific schools but
presents things very generally. He also doesn't use too
much Sanskrit, so most yoga students shouldn't be too
intimidated by the material.
The information he presents on Breathing, the importance
of the Abdominopelvic muscles (or the "core muscles",
as they're popularly known today) and his chapter on
Forward Bends where he discusses nutation were my
favorite portions. Coulter isn't doctrinaire in most
cases, as is appropriate for someone discussing the
anatomical aspect of yoga. He presents variations for the
popular poses (forward bends, cobra, triangle, etc.) and
discusses what the ramifications of the modifications are.
While some are called "advanced" and some are
called "beginner", it doesn't come off as a
value judgment.
Because Coulter was so thorough throughout the entire
book and backed up almost every statement with a logical
explanation, it was noticeable when he did not. For
instance, he, like almost every other author of a yoga
text, recommends that women not practice inversions if
they are menstruating. Why? I really hoped that someone
with his background would be able to supply an
explanation other than because that's the way it's been
done. Also, while he spends quite a bit of time talking
about the importance of the right tetrahedron for
meditation postures and the various postures that can be
used, I felt he glossed over the reasons why meditation
has to be done sitting versus lying down. Minor quibbles,
but only more obvious because the rest of the book is so
If you are planning on teaching yoga, if you already have
a yoga practice or if you're not quite convinced that
yoga can do anything for your body, pick up this book.
the most useful guide to understanding yoga ever
written, January 3, 2002
Reviewer: An Customer from Stanford, CA
I am both a psychophysiology researcher and a yoga
teacher and this book does a better job explaining both
the physiological processes and yogic practices than any
other text I've read. I could not recommend this book
highly enough for those yoga students and teachers who
want to understand what exactly they are doing to their
bodies during asanas and especially pranayama.
This book does not wave hands and make vague claims or
explanations like so many general-audience health of yoga
books. My only complaint is that the author does not
share the specific studies and sources he used to write
the text (other than the knowledge acquired from his
medical experience). Perhaps that is because this work is
the first of its kind.
If you are teaching yoga now, you should read this book
from start to finish as many times as necessary to
assimilate the incredibly udeful information. That's what
I'm trying to do now!
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Physiological Handbook for Teachers of Yogasana
by Mel Robin
Paperback - 652 pages (May 2002)
Fenestra Books; ISBN: 1587360330
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Reader Review
Clear, concise, informed, relevant.,
February 17, 2003
Reviewer: Dwight Newton
from San Diego, CA USA
If you're like me, you will think long and hard about
buying this book. At first glance, it's likely to appear
as yet another anatomy/physiology book with a yoga bent (pun
Not so.
It is, instead, an attempt to bridge the gap between
Eastern and Western approaches to the human body and
consciousness while not taking one "side" or
the other. In fact, it attempts to reconcile the two
approaches by showing how closely they parallel one
another and how observing yoga from both perspectives can
lead to a greater understanding than embracing either
Dr. Robin (Ph. D., not M.D.) very clearly knows what he's
talking about from both directions, and presents it in a
way that's quite accessible. I was particularly impressed
by the fact that I didn't have to dig through the book,
reading between the lines and familiarizing myself with a
lot of medical jargon to understand what my spine was
doing during backbends -- the book just tells you!
Although the book definitely does its job in presenting
the major concepts of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics,
etc. these are always in service to the subject of yoga
asanas (yogasana).
This book is truly a labor of love and has proven to be
the best source of information about the relationship
between yoga asana practice and the structure of the
human body that I have seen so far including the
excellent The Anatomy of
Hatha Yoga by Coulter (also recommended -- but I'd
give Robin's work a try first).
In summary -- for the yoga practitioner seeking a deeper
understanding of the human body within the context of
physical yoga practice, this is worth the cover price
many, many times over.
Yoga for Teachers
(The Missing Peace)
by Ashok Wahi, Virginia, Dr Gittelman,
Stefani Pappas
Spiral-bound: (December
Princeton Design Group; ISBN: 9708284629
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Book Description
What profession can possibly be more important than that
of teaching? Our work is critical to our national defense
and economy as well as the future of the world. The
welfare of our students, of course, but so, too, must our
own welfare be a matter of genuine concern for all
teachers. The key to that often ignored but vital inner
being of every teacher may well be Yoga. Read on and see
how Yoga can help you and every teacher, both in the
classroom and in your life generally. With the promise of
focus, peace of mind, awareness, balance, flexibility,
and strength, Yoga offers "the missing piece"
of the puzzle for teachers everywhere.
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