Foundations - the Magazine of the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly

Foundations is published on the weekend of 3 June 2001.
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Foundations - Summer 2001


Foudations - Winter 2000

Michael Barry, Editor of Foundations From the Editor
Foundations Winter 2000

This year as we celebrated the ‘Great Jubilee’ special attention was given to the whole notion of ‘pilgrimage’. This edition of Foundations features some of the many spiritual journeys that set out from the Archdiocese during the year. Most of these reports come from young people, who travelled to places like Rome, Lourdes, Fatima, and other popular places of pilgrimage. Their stories tell us that the Faith is alive and well with this generation.
The second series of articles in these pages originates from the very successful ‘Adult Faith Programme’ conducted during September and October, at Thurles, Killenaule, Newport, and Tipperary. The timeliness of this initiative to mark Jubilee 2000 was affirmed by the number of people who participated during the eight nights.
As the new editor of Foundations, I wish to acknowledge the co-operation of everyone involved in the production of the current edition. My particular thanks to the former editor, Fr. Bernie Maloney, for his assistance in helping me to get to know the ropes. I can now appreciate all the work he has done over the last eleven years.
Foundations always intends to foster good communication between the parishes of the Archdiocese. If you think you can help in this work with a local interest story that others need to read about, we would love to hear from you. So much of what we read and hear about is not ‘good news’. By getting involved in bringing the hidden good news of your parish community to a wider audience through the pages of Foundations, you would be doing others a great service.
As we prepare to celebrate the best news we ever received, announced in the form of a small baby born in a stable in an obscure village in Palestine, let us appreciate the importance of spreading good news.
That God became man is the best news ever told throughout the world. The shepherds and the wise men were the first to spread the message. God is still being born among us in the lives of good people and vibrant parish communities. Please be like the shepherds and the wise men and spread that good news as you see it unfold before your eyes.

Michael Barry

Michael Barry, Editor of Foundations From the Editor

Foundations Summer 2001

The Relics of St Thérèse are slowly making their way around the country. They will come to visit the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles on June 25 next. One of Thérèse's legacies to the world is her example of doing the ordinary things extraordinarily well; her 'little way' as it is called. In fact, there is a movement known as the Little Way Association that tries to live by her example in helping others.

I remember back to May of 1989 when I was studying for the Priesthood in Maynooth. At that time I was planning my summer holidays. I wanted to go to London to get a job to earn some badly needed pocket money. I also had to find time to do some pastoral work as part of my training. I decided to spend June and July in London before heading off to Lourdes for a few weeks in August to work with the Little Way Association. I got my hands on a book called 'St Thérèse of Lisieux - her last conversations'. This book left a deep impression on me. At that time the initial enthusiasm that had propelled me into the seminary was beginning to lose its sheen. Material comforts were becoming more important to me while the things of God seemed to be taking a back seat.

I needed something to re-ignite the flame, so to speak. The story of St Thérèse's soul was part of that rekindling process. I remember being very envious of Therese's close relationship with Jesus, which was strengthened, as she said, because of the suffering in her life. Then I prayed on that beautiful mid-May morning as I walked up and down St Joseph's Square in Maynooth, that I too might have a similar close relationship with Our Lord. I prayed for a daily reminder to help me never lose sight of what it means to serve Jesus without reservation. A few weeks later my back was broken in an accident on a building site in London. During one of the endless days or nights that followed in hospital I remembered what I prayed for in St Joseph's Square. My prayer had been answered; my life had utterly changed. Suffering was to take centre stage and to this day serves as a constant reminder of the Cross. I'm not likely to ever forget what Jesus suffered for me.Just as the life of St Thérèse made a deep impression on me all those years ago, her Relics can serve to remind us of who she was and what she stood for. In her body, Thérèse loved, prayed, rejoiced and suffered; and in her body she lived out her 'little way' of trust and total surrender to God. True veneration of her remains will involve our turning to God and allowing his love to enter our lives through her intercession.

Michael Barry


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