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C.I.SGECElogo.gif (2938 bytes)  The European Environmental Campus Organization  & The Centre for Island Studies




  • The European Grouping of Environment and Heritage Campuses:

The Centre for Island Studies has been affiliated with GECE( Groupement Europeen des Campus pour l'environnement), The European Grouping of Environment and Heritage Campuses based in Avignon, FRANCE, since 1994.  It has organized two campuses, the first with the University of Brest in 1994, and in 1996 on its own.  It will be organizing a third campus in 1999. The first project was environmental in nature; the latter two concerned heritage.

  • European Volunteer Service:

The Centre is also participating in the European Volunteer Service, through the auspices of APARE, Avignon FRANCE.  Two volunteers from Spain and France have been living and working on the island for six months since May 1998.   They have been involved in computer training with the islanders and in the island national school.  They have also been constructing websites for the island and for the Centre for Island Studies.It is hoped that the the project will continue with two more volunteers in January 1999.

1. European campuses for heritage and the environnement

2. Les Campus Européen de l'Environnement In French


Created in 1990, is a non-governmental organization coordinating a widespread volunteer network of:

  • Central/East European, and EU country universities,
  • European towns and regions,Leading personalities in European environmental organisations.

The Association policy and scientific committees include members of six different nationalities whose role is to define an annual volunteer project program. The GECE works in association with:

  • The EU and its environmental awarness DGXI and cultural affairs DGX developing Heritage Campus themes.
  • The Council of European Communities and Regions, the AEIDL "Leader" coordinator unit.


European campuses for heritage and the environment

Campuses organized around three basics ideas:

  • Field Work: this is an essential factor in environmentally linked jobs. Campus provides a month-long experimental testing ground.
  • New ideas: Campuses serve as melting pots of ideas. Workshops not only develop academic skills but serve the local community as well.
  • Culture shock: Campuses produce a positive culture shock in students from all over Europe. They are a place where different cultures, scientific approaches and technical know how meet, clash and unite.


Les Campus Européen de l'Environnement et du Patrimoine

Les campus européen de l'environnement et de l'héritage ont été créés à l'initiative de l'union européenne pour que les étudiants des différents pays européens se rencontrent autour d'une problématique concrete liée à des questions relatives à l'aménagement et à la gestion des espaces.

Ces campus ont lieu dans toute l'Europe et sont de véritables ateliers universitaires de terrain encadrés par des enseignants de l'université et faisant intervenir des specialilstes de differentes disciplines.
Les campus donne lieu à un rapport qui est ensuite destinés aux autorités européenne, nationales et locales.


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