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We hope you find the following links useful - more to follow:

Fields of Life Website Fields of Life Trust exists to help relieve poverty in the developing world particularly Africa through initiating programmes of education, leadership training and basic health care, instruction in crop and animal husbandry and to promote the Christian faith through evangelism and Bible teaching. It was started by our very own Trevor and Ruth Stevenson and this inspiring website should not be missed!

The Sunday School Society - The Sunday School Society is a Church of Ireland organisation and along with the bookshop runs training events for Children leaders.

Irish Christians online - Connecting you to Irelands' Christian news and events

International Christian College Website ICC is one of the leading evangelical and inter-denominational UK Bible Colleges. They offer holistic Christian training, combining academic study with practical and spiritual preparation for a range of ministries. These include pastoral and preaching ministry, work with children, youth work, cross-cultural ministry, and work in urban areas.

Crosslinks Website - The Mission Agency of first choice for Anglicans of biblical conviction. In existance for eighty years, Crosslinks has been supported for all of that time by Crinken.

Sunday Services - A delightful website that describes itself (quite appropriately I think) as "A Contemporary Liturgical Resource". Don't let the description put you off - it's a useful and user-friendly site and one you should check out now - just click on the link!!

Virtuosity - The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism.

The Church of Ireland - Bishops' Appeal 2004.

Dublin Churches Website - This is a search engine of all the Christian churches in Dublin and can locate the basic details of any church by area, denomination or name.

Alpha - The Alpha Course is a fifteen-session programme, which runs over ten weeks to provide a practical introduction to the Christian faith.

Kingdom Seek - An interesting and wide-ranging Christian website. Well worth a peek!