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The Crinken Diary
Where at Crinken Church is located Review


Morning Worship,
with Holy Communion on the second Sunday.

This is a mix of ancient-and-modern! There is always liturgy from the Prayer Book interspersed with hymns which can range from Isaac Watts via Chris Idle to Graham Kendrick.

Music comes from a pipe organ, piano, drums, flute, violin and keyboard.

Always central is biblical teaching, usually based on a series dealing with a book or theme from the Bible. Sunday School children remain with us for the first part of the service, and there is a staffed creche.

Please refer to the Crinken Diary on this website for details of forthcoming services.

Evening Praise

The venue switches from the church to the hall, the service is more informal and we are often joined by people from the area who don't have evening services.

There is a wider range of preachers, and indeed topics! We have looked at numerous Bible books as well as Christian perspectives on various topics.

A prayer ministry is available after the evening service and this is valued by many. Refreshments are served and people often hang around until the caretaker arrives and calls time !