2nd Year Computer Systems Email Directory

This Web Site Tis a Tommy© Production.

If u would like to make changes to your email address or you would like to be removed from the list or know someone else's email address that is not included on this page please email me at zoltan_ie@yahoo.com. Also email me if ya spot any spellin' mistakes cause me always miss 'em.

Sign Da Guestbook (just do us a favor n' fuckin' sign it, right)
View Da Guestbook

Sections( I Guess its about time I added this yolk in)
Email Directory

Programming Web Sites

Small Programs

Downloads n' Homepages n' Time Wastin' Sites
                Home Pages
                Creating Your Own Home Page
                Time Wastin' Sites
                Crackz n' Hackz n' Musik Sites
                        Crackz n' Hackz

Check Out
(stuff that me thinks is really mad)

MP3 Section
(musik u can download on to your pc)

Email Directory:

z Aidan Carroll ballyshan@hotmail.com

Ann Maria Kelleher amkelleher@a1.itvax4.boi.ie amk100@hotmail.com 9839569@student.ul.ie

Anthony Feely afeely@symantec.com

Brian Doody bdoody_ie@yahoo.com bdoody@oceanfree.net brian.doody@telekom.de 

Bill Fogarty bf@kadius.com

Chris O'Keeffe 9840273@student.ul.ie

Ciaran Lehane ciaraninballina@hotmail.com ciaran_lehane@lionbridge.com

Damien Gilmore 9839291@student.ul.ie praktep1-01.ez-berlin@telekom.de 

David Lowry 9839712@student.ul.ie podgeen@csn.ul.ie dlowry@shannon.tellabs.com

Declan Houlihan 9839461@student.ul.ie

Denis Duggan 9809814@student.ul.ie

Diarmuid Ryan dryan@symantec.com

Eddie O'Connor eoconnor1@usa.net edward-michael.o`connor@telekom.de 

Edel Gallagher 9839259@student.ul.ie gallagheredel@hotmail.com

Eoin O'Connell eoinoconnell@ireland.com eoin.o`connell@telekom.de 

Eric McDonogh 9839836@student.ul.ie e_mc_donogh@hotmail.com emcdonogh@casecorp.com

Fiona Murnane fiona_murnane@hp.com

Grainne O'Hanlon-Barry gohanlon@eircell.ie grainne_barry@yahoo.com

Helen Beswick helen.beswick@biam.boi.ie h_beswick@hotmail.com

Ian Dempsey 9838961@student.ul.ie krowz_nest@hotmail.com ian.dempsey@fidelity.com

James Fraser frasr@yahoo.com jfraser@lifetime.ie

Jean Cronin jeanc@shannon.tellabs.com

Jillian O'Sullivan gosullivan@eu.saralee.com

Jim Broderick 9838643@student.ul.ie jim_broderick@yahoo.ie jim.broderick@compaq.com

John Enright john.enright@ul.ie

Jonathan Deane jonathan.deane@ul.ie

John Fallon 9839097@student.ul.ie

John Farrelly jjfarly@iol.ie john_farrelly@hp.com

John O'Gara 9840257@student.ul.ie

John Reilly john_reilly@lionbridge.com

Joyce Morris 9911472@student.ul.ie joyce.morris@kadius.com

JP Finucane jf@raidtec.ie

Liam O'Riordan 9801553@student.ul.ie

Lorna Brodbin lorna.brodbin@tellabs.com

Louise Moran luceyonline@hotmail.com

Marcus Flanagan loveablemarcus@hotmail.com 9839178@student.ul.ie mflanagan@lucent.com

Mark Finlay 9839143@student.ul.ie finlaymark@hotmail.com finlaym@bsci.com

Mark Kenny 9839623@student.ul.ie mark.Kenny@start.de

Mark Smyth 9840672@student.ul.ie smythmark@hotmail.com

Kenneth Monaghan kenneth.monaghan@eml.ericsson.se

Niall Collins niall_collins@hp.com syfer@cyberdude.com

Niall Jordan niall.jordan@fid-intl.com

Nicholas Condon 9724702@student.ul.ie four6four@hotmail.com  

Patrick Kelleher 9839585@student.ul.ie p__kelleher@hotmail.com

Paul Melvin pmelvin@symantec.com

Paul Webb viper_47_2@yahoo.com 9840737@student.ul.ie

Rob Coyle rcoyle@symantec.com

Roseanne Dunlea rdunlea@ie.oracle.com rdunlea@hotmail.com

Seamus Galvin shaygalvin@eircom.net sgalvin@klinge.ie 

Sean OŽDonoghue 9840222@student.ul.ie analscan@yahoo.com

Stephen Lavan 9725512@student.ul.ie lavanste@ie.ibm.com

Steven Tourish 9840699@student.ul.ie stourish@symantec.com

Tomas Hayes tomas.hayes@ul.ie

Tommy thomas-joseph.keegan@telekom.de zoltan_ie@yahoo.com (email me here)

Treasa Davitt treasad@yahoo.com

If u know of any sites worth mentioning please or small programs that show some basics in a language please email them to me @ zoltan_ie@yahoo.com

Programming Websites:

Back to da Top

JavaScript :

Introductory JavaScript Tutorials

Java :

bruceeckel.com Books: Thinking In Java (2nd Edition) Thinking In Java (1st Edition) by Bruce Eckel

java.sun.com è Tutorials

UCC's Java Course (second year)

Visual C++ :


Object-Oriented Language & Development Environment: Visual C++

Small Programs:

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U may need these *.dll files(1.06mb) to run these programs

SoundMerge (200kb)

File Cutter (Ver 1.1)  Executable(11kb) Code(46kb) - not a bad little program, its for cutting up a large file in to smaller pieces and it can join them back together again. if u can improve it or get rid of the memory leaks email me da code. also use the CDropEdit class if u want to add Drag n' Drop to your edit box.

Downloads n' Homepages n' Time Wastin' Sites:

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Downloads:( all downloads are virus free)


     WinZip 7(a fairly useful program n' here's da crack)

Napster. Great for downloading mp3s. Well worth using Click here(610kb)

     WinAmp 2.64full. For playin' ya musik Click here(2mb)

And a fuckin' great visualization plug-in Geiss 4.23(130kb)Just sit back n' watch.

     UL Form for Leonardo Grant. Click here(150kb)

Feeling home sick ? Download this wallpaper, It make u feel at home. Click here(790kb)

Feel like your dart skills are not up to scratch? Practice on these. Click here(95kb)


SCORCHED EARTH( a mad game, fairly old but still worth playing)(170kb)

Have u got Tommy Keegan Syndrome? Just can't score no matter how hard u try, and I mean really hard? even when u offer cash? Well here's a game that cheer u up. Click here(260kb)


DOPEWARS '99(1mb)(if anyone has the original please send it too me or where I to find it) 

DUCK HUNT (2.6mb)(well sort of. but its much better and well worth the download)



Home Pages:

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Eoin O'Connell Gaff

Brian's Story

     Marcus Flangan's - Well Boss Page (an interestin' use of my code that was nicked from this site)

John Enright Page (fairly good, check out the programs section it got all the shit u get in UL) 

    Sean OŽDonoghue(a perfect example of how not to make a website like)

    Johnny's page( (a mate of mine) fairly interesting stuff on animation)

    Eddy O'Connor's brutal attempt at a home page. A must see !(expect a site with absolutely nothing, then u'll know that u're at the right site)

    Kennykjam's World(a fairly good webpage with a good example of how to use frames and its got a chatroom)

Creating Your Own Home Page:

    Make your own web page at Eircom.net

    htmlGEAR( useful stuff for your web page like a Guestbook n' stuff)

    Driveway (Get up to 100megs of space to store stuff, fill out the 3 surveys, share a directory and tell friends about it to receive extra space)


Time wastin' sites:

    For all yee Boggers out there


                         Suicide Boy 

                        Bert Is EVIL! 

                        The Adventures of a Rock

    Totally Useless!

    Ate My Balls Links

                         Mr. T Ate My Balls

                         Spock Ate My Balls

    Mr. T vs... Links.

                        Mr. T Vs. Superman  

    Urban75 (a fairly cool site if I don't say so meself. this site would of been useful to anyone who had to do a medical for CO-OP)

    New Grounds( fairly weird fuckin' site)

    Ali G's Real Audio Ghetto( all Ali G's Interviews n' wave files, wicked! ( to put it his way) )

    I Hate MANUNITED.com

Useful Crackz n' Hackz n' Musik Sites:

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Crackz n' Hackz:




http://www.gamecopyworld.com/ (u can get CD covers here as well, fairly handy)




If ya want other people to see your web site or have something funny to add please email them to me @ zoltan_ie@yahoo.com

Check Out:

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C64 Wallpaper(tis mad me tells ya)(8kb)

SuperFly(fuckin' mad animation)(620kb)

SuperFly 2(just as good as the first)(520kb)

Aphex Twin - Windowlicker (video)(really good, well worth the watch, give the video 2 mins before it gets started)

Adam Sandler - Cock and Balls(dead funny)(5.2mb)

Ferris Bueller - Oh Yeah(fuckin' excellent)(3mb)

MP3 Section:

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Get some space on Driveway and throw some musik on it and tell me about it n' I'll place da link on me page. email them to me @ zoltan_ie@yahoo.com

get these songs here at Driveway  Member Name : zoltanie  Password : enter

Aphex Twin - Windowlicker.
Depeche Mode - It's No Good.
Orbital - Satan Industrial Standard.
Softcell - Tainted Love.
Les Rythmes Digitales - (Hey You) What's That Sound.
James Brown - Sex Machine.
Omni Trio - Renegade Snares.
Leftfield - Snakeblood .
808 State - Pacific (Grooverider Remix).
Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler.
Mundstuhl - Wurstwasser.
Will Smith - Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Apache Indian - Boom Shak A Lak. 
David Hasselhoff - Do You Love Me.  
Cassius - Feeling For You (Les Rythmes Digitales Dreamix).

get these songs here at Driveway  Member Name : zoltanstores  Password : enter

Dynamix II - Red Pill.
The Bucketheads - The Bomb.
Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax.
Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire.
EMF - Unbelievable.
Plastikman - P
Modo - Eins Zwei Polizei.