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Headfort School
A letter from the Headmaster

Dear Prospective Parent,
Headfort has a first-rate academic record. The school has always
prided itself on the success of its past pupils in their secondary
schools – historically and currently, the leading schools in Ireland
and Britain. But I don’t want to start this prospectus with a dreary,
though apt, list of academic accomplishments. Instead, the aspect of
Headfort life to which I want to draw first attention is a more
ineffable one: the children at Headfort are happy – that’s the thing
that most impresses first-time visitors.
The day pupils run eagerly from their parents’ cars in the morning,
and often have to be coaxed to go home at 6.00 p.m. Likewise, the
boarders dash away from their parents and into the school on a Sunday
evening, keen to see their friends again.
The children’s happiness is central and precious. We give our pupils
tremendous freedom at Headfort. There are acres of space and – just as
important – plenty of time in which to enjoy that space. The children
love to explore the woods and lawns and playing fields. Fort-building
(at the edge of one of the woods) has always been one of the most
popular pastimes; it was in my day as a pupil in the 1970s, and it is
Of course, the Staff constantly patrol: children can’t be given the
freedom to do anything they may want! But our pupils do seem to
recognise the magical qualities of Headfort; and they ‘lean into’ the
magic in a wonderfully unselfconscious way. Quite simply, they love
the place, and, at the end of their time with us, pupils tend to leave
Headfort as thoughtful, confident, well-rounded young people.
Yours sincerely,
Dermot Dix (Headmaster)
For further
information, please contact the Headmaster, Dermot Dix at