Letter from the Headmaster
Academic Matters
The Arts
The Staff
After Headfort
Domestic Arrangements
Social Activities
Day Pupils
The School Day
Games - the Main Sports
Other Games
Weekends and High Days
The Building
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Headfort School

The main time for children to
interact informally with each other and the Staff every day is the
evening Playtime. This runs from 6.20 to 7.40, and a great variety of
activities are on offer. There are some Extras available, notably
Carpentry and Extra Art. During the summer, they have sixty acres in
which to play and the range of activities is of course as wide as the
sky. The summer is the time, for example, for the forts, an area of
woodland where they may construct small huts from whatever materials the
woods and their imaginations can provide. Under careful but benign
supervision, they occupy themselves happily for hours.
At other times of the year, we have good facilities for almost anything
they want to do and will encourage them to experiment. A partial list
includes drawing, playing board games, computing, reading, watching TV
or videos (rationed and subject to discussion), practising music or
playing in one of the school bands, playing indoor soccer or their own
made-up games, rehearsing the play or even working. 7.40 arrives and
they go into Prep for forty minutes and then to bed.
For further
information, please contact the Headmaster, Dermot Dix at