
The news page contains news of updates plus sightings of plants that are not yet ready for photographs. This will enable visitors to know what's in the pipeline. It also lets me point out updates to pages, and to announce new pages.

I can also use it to summarise and solicit feedback.

24th November

Plant list updated.

11th November

The mushroom on 3rd August has been confirmed as Helvella corium.

8th November

Went on a fungal foray with NIFG, today. Page of findings up here.

24th October

Answers to the first quiz are as follows:-

Meadow Buttercup, Snowberry, Lepiota, Tutsan, Meadow Vetchling, Bramble.

Broad Buckler Fern, Dandelion, Creeping Thistle, Navelwort, Cow Parsley, Herb Robert

Bramble, Convolvulus, Bush Vetch, Hedge Woundwort, Hawthorn, Watercress

Ragwort, Daisy, Beech, Red Clover, Devil's Bit Scabious, Fuchsia

What a list for October!

18th September

At long last, I've identified the source of the growth on the Jointed Rush. It's another gall made by the larva of Livia juncorum - a jumping louse.

17th September

The site was featured on RTE's Nationwide programme. A webcast is available here.

9th September

First statistics page up

5th September

List under compilation - flowering to seed(pod) days and flowering to ripe fruit days.

2nd September

The first list is up - list of plants indexed by the month they are first mentioned on the site. Note that January is skewed by 2 - Tutsan and Reedmace were last year's plants.

28th August

I've started to compile lists and statistics in anticipation of things slowing down on the hedgerow. I currently plan to list plant species per month, and to calculate flower-to-seed dates for as many species as possible.

Any other suggestions for interesting facts and figures?

26th August

For some reason, RTE changed their schedule at short notice. I'll announce the new screening date when I know it.

21st August

The site will be featured on RTE1's Nationwide program at 7pm on Monday 25th August.

Identified the parasite that made the Willow gall on 15th August: Pontania viminalis

6th August

Added a page idhelp to ask for help with identifications

Site featured in the local press: The Donegal Peoples Press.

4th August

Added a Search facility to the home page

24th July

Added a map to the Map page.

19th July

Hardheads and Burdock flowered. Sundew (at last!) found on the annexe

Also Bog Asphodel

17th July

An email from Hans in the Netherlands helped me to accurately identify many of the insects on the site. Thanks, Hans. Check back on the site for details.

Identified an earlier Willowherb - Square Stalked Willowherb (8th July, Annexe)

6th July

I have now decided that the area (See Annexe) I have been visiting for the past few days will be the feature of next year's website. With an occasional visit to check progress on this years hedgerow, I will then have complete coverage of an area of around 5 square miles.

I've also noted a fair percentage of plants that have a herbal lore associated with them. Would this be of interest? If so.....Feedback


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