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4 more creams please

» Hi Kathy,
21 Sept '05
 4 more creams please. It has worked wonders for my mam and it is the best nappy rash and colesore cream on the market.

» Hello Kathy,
10 Aug '05
  I've just made another order of your awesome "Neem" products. I look forward to it's arrival, and of course, I look forward to it's amazing healing properties

                                    Many thanks

» Kathy
May 26th '05
   The neem oil cream I ordered arrived today. I'm really happy that you have this product, which is very pure. I have multiple allergies and sensitivies, and had a hard time locating a product that didn't have a bunch of other things added to it - until I found your site.

Pleased with improvement

Hi Kathy
26th Feb '04
  I got the neem oil/shampoo and 100 caps- all of which I tried immediately of course and I must say that I really do like the products so far I'm sure it will take a little while to notice significant results, but I am well pleased with improvement I've seen after just 1 day!
~ Dennis, USA

Lump over ear -now gone!

» Dear Kathy,
  I had a bypass ten years ago in my left leg. I got MRSA while in hospital and the scar tissue on my leg did not heal very well.
  I was using various creams prescribed by the hospital and my Doctor but they were not helping long term healing.
I also had a large growth on my right ear, which was unsightly at the time but doctors were not very interested in it. I had fluid drained from my lungs and whatever they did to me I am here today to write this. I heard about Kathy and how her hands had healed.
  My daughter-in-law got some of Kathy's cream for me and after using it for a week on my ear there were great changes in the lump.
  My son and daughter-in-law went away on holidays and when they came home two weeks later the growth was gone. My ear looks like there was never anything there.

  Now I am using Kathy's cream on my leg and I find the skin is much healthier. I use the cream on my skin twice a day.
Aged 83 years

NeemWell Creams, Lotions Oil, Leaves and Shampoo
are safe for topical use on all age groups.
Neem leaf capsules should not be given to
anyone under the age of 14
Our products are to support healing,
not to replace a practitioner.
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