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Neem & Eczema

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   First of al l, thank you  to everybody who has shared these emailTestimonials about their experience using our Neem products.

Please go to the links on the right of the page to read feedback on specfic conditions.

As you see, we get great feedback by email, which helps us refine our therapeutic advice to those trying neem for the first time.

   Below are recent emails from people using our Neem                                            creams, lotions, etc.



» Hi Kathy,
26th January '06
  Thank you so much for the Neem, I'm now a proud user of this amazing herb. I've suffered from eczema since I was about 10 or 11.
  At first it was minor, but after years of trying different creams and home remedies. It grew to be a nightmare, it spread all over and made getting a good nights sleep almost impossible.
  Doctors would say that it was something that I would grow out of (which i never did) and until then steroid creams
where my best hope for releif. Acne also became troublesome in recent years but none of these problems could be alleviated by any GP or dermatologist I went to.
  So then comes along kathy, I use this neem oil cream she has and within days its working wonders, repairing damaged skin from all those years. You can feel that its working, tingling into your skin, its an intense experience.
  For me, its only been about 3 weeks but the amount of healing thats going on is unbelievable. I only wish I could have had this back then.

Thanks kathy
Justin L,

» Dear Kathy
2 Oct '05
   Your shampoo still is the best for my daughter's dry skin (just ordered two bottles). Her skin is much better now, she has been taking salmon oil supplements for over 12 weeks and her eczema is just about gone. Also, thank you for the incense in my last order!

» Hi Kathy,
March 25 '05
  We received our order this week. My daughter rushed the package up to my bedroom (I was sick in bed with the flu) and we opened it together. She is so delighted that you sent along the soap and the animal confetti. That was very nice and thoughtful of you!
  The way that your products are helping her is something so new for her. It is taking her awhile to accept the fact that we have finally found a cleanser and lotion that works.
  Today, she put her hand along side mine, and said to me that her hand now looks like mine. That is a wonderful feeling for her! Thank you so much!
                                        PA, USA

» Dear Kathy
Jan '05
  My hayfever is nil when i take the capsules and I only hayfever when I forget for a day to have any. I usually sneeze everyday! so that is amazing for me. The fact that I don't have any ezcema means that they help my skin, and my face is spot free most of the time. I use the cream as a daily moisturiser as well.
   With regards to my skin, there's a song in my heart, I've gone through so many creams and remedies. It's the biggest releif to not have to go to the doctor to get steriod creams etc. I hope it works for everyone I'm buying it for too. I think they are all amazed that's why they have ordered. They know how I have suffered in the past. I'm amazed at how well the cream has worked for my ezcema,

NeemWell Creams, Lotions Oil, Leaves and Shampoo
are safe for topical use on all age groups.
Neem leaf capsules should not be given to
anyone under the age of 14
Our products are to support healing,
not to replace a practitioner.

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