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Hair & Scalp conditions & Neem

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   First of all , thank you  to everybody who has shared these email Testimonials about their experience using our Neem products.

Please go to the links on the right of the page to read feedback on specfic conditions.

As you see, we get great feedback by email, which helps us refine our therapeutic advice to those trying neem for the first time.

   Below are recent    emails from people    using our Neem                                               creams, lotions, etc


» Hi
30 Sept '05
   My scalp feels much better today. The Neem cream, is the only thing that has ever helped. Neem is powerful stuff.
                                          Thank you

Falling Hair
Hi Kathy
2 Oct '03
 I noticed something very unusual this morning. When I washed my hair, there was only 1 strand of hair that had come out of MY scalp.
  Now I am beginning to wonder if the hand-full of hair that always fell out was not normal hair loss. My hair has been so thin for so long, I thought that it was supposed to be that way. This neem is incredible !

Dry Itchy Scalp

» Dear NeemWell
16 Feb 03
" Good Experience
 I wanted to let you know that I am having the most positive results using the neem shampoo and lotion that I have had with any product.
  The smell of the lotion is pretty intense, I have a pretty good nose but I do not seem to have the extensive dry scalp! It is not perfect yet but a ton better than it was!"
Thank you

Scalp Psoriasis

» Dear NeemWell
24 Oct 02
I gave some NeemWell Neem Shampoo to my Granddaughter who had really bad Psoriasis in her head and it cleared it.
We are so impressed. My Daughter has Psoriasis too and she is now using it. I have ordered shampoo and received it and the cream from your site.
R. H

NeemWell Creams, Lotions Oil, Leaves and Shampoo
are safe for topical use on all age groups.
Neem leaf capsules should not be given to
anyone under the age of 14
Our products are to support healing,
not to replace a practitioner.
2CO is an authorized retailer for goods and services
provided by

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