» Dear NeemWell
My order arrived sooner than I expected (and I didn't know you
were in Ireland!), and I'm very pleased.
The Neem Cream has been very effective against my fungus farm, including
athlete's foot, jock itch and two weird yeast patches behind my ears.
» Dear Kathy
14 Oct. '03
Every year about this time I get what we call "the dry fall itch".
It even comes if it isn't dry. I have had a hunch it might be
a candida bloom. It is very annoying, and can turn into quite a rash.
Every year it is a little worse.
My husband has it all the time on his back. The lotion and caps got
here just in time. I put it on twice a day, and it has really helped.
My skin is a lot moister too.
Years ago we snorkeled off the Bahamas reefs. They told us that everyone
who dives in that area gets an organism that takes up residence in
the ears. Sure enough. My ears get itchy and crusty, some times really
bad. So I have been putting the lotion in there after my shower and
my ears feel much better and aren't itchy.
I love your stuff!!!!, T,