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   Neem Leaf Capsules
Neem should not be given internally to
children with fevers.
Neem should not be given internally to
children with fevers.

Infectious Diseases
Neem extracts have been found to be antiseptic, (Rojanapo, et al, 1985) anti-fungal (Bhrowmick and Choudharg, 1982) and anti-viral (Rai and Sethi, 1972); (Sankaram et al, 1987). This combination of healing properties makes neem an extremely effective remedy for infections caused by a variety of pathogens. One gram of neem extracts, particularly the nimbidines, was experimentally equal to 800 units of penicillin or .5 grams of streptomycin sulphate (Singh and Sastry, 1981).

Food Poisoning and Neem
Salmonella bacteria, the major culprit in food poisoning, has been shown to be killed by neem extracts (Patel, 1962, 1965). Although prevention is the best way to avoid food poisoning, once it has been ingested, neem is a viable option for reducing the length and severity of the attack. Oral doses of the major culprit in food poisoning, has been shown to be killed by neem extracts (Patel, 1962, 1965). Although prevention is the best way to avoid food poisoning, once it has been ingested, neem is a viable option for reducing the length and severity of the attack. Oral doses of neem leaf teas will soothe the upset stomach, help the body rid itself of the bacteria and provide relief from many of the miserable symptoms.

Hepatitis and Neem
A dangerous disease, hepatitis can be transmitted through blood or by ingesting contaminated food or water. Studies have indicated that neem extracts can block infection by the virus that causes it (Unander, 1992). Prevention is recommended by taking neem leaf capsules or drinking neem leaf tea after eating shellfish and after swimming in or drinking water potentially contaminated with sewage.

Viral hepatitis is a deadly disease with no effective remedy. Indian tests indicate that as much as 80% of the test cases showed significant improvement when treated with neem. (Wagh, 1988)

Herpes (cold sores) and Neem
Tests in Germany show that neem extracts are toxic to the herpes virus and can quickly heal cold sores (Schmutterer, 1992). At the first indication of an eruption, a mild neem leaf tea or neem leaf capsules after breakfast and dinner, combined with topical application of a neem-based cream to the affected area, is recommended. Continue both oral and topical applications until the eruption has peaked. Then continue with only the topical cream applications until the sore has healed.

Thrush and Neem
Drinking neem leaf tea or taking neem leaf capsules will promote healing and reduce the pain and inflammation. Children under 12 should only gargle with the tea and not swallow. For the redness appearing on the skin around the mouth, a neem-based cream should be applied regularly until the infection has cleared.

Yeast infection and Neem
For infections of the skin, rubbing a neem-based cream on the affected areas several times per day, especially after washing or getting the area wet, will relieve the itching, heal the skin and get rid of the infection. For vaginal yeast infections, a neem-based cream can be applied with cotton swabs or douche with neem leaf extract. Drinking three cups of neem tea or taking neem leaf capsules three times a day for several days will help rid the body of both external and internal infection.

Mononucleosis and Neem

Possibly related to hepatitis, "mono" should be treated with a mild neem tea or neem leaf capsules three times a day for two weeks. The length and severity of the disease should be much improved if the regimen is followed....

These are just a few of the ailments helped by Neem.

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Neem Leaf Capsules Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for
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Neem should not be given internally to
children with fevers

NeemWell Creams, Lotions Oil, Leaves and Shampoo
are safe for topical use on all age groups.
Neem leaf capsules should not be given to
anyone under the age of 14

Our products are to support healing,
not to replace a practitioner.

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