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   Products   Irish Handmade Neem Oil Soap                      Ailments Index

   NeemWell Soap

      Indian Neem, Olive, Palm & Coconut oil, lye &       Grapefruit seed extract

    This very special formulation has been hand crafted here in Ireland specially for NeemWell by a very special lady Elke, who owns

    Elke makes a wonderful range of Natural, hand crafted skin products, which I have tried myself and which I love. Elke's products are free from chemicals, like NeemWell products are. .

   Neem Oil Soap has a woody scent. It leaves the skin feeling fresh and clean. Used in combination with other NeemWell products it makes for wonderfully healthy skin and an overall general sense of health and wellbeing.

Neem Oil soap is also a great soap to take on holidays with you as it acts as an insect repellent, is soothing on sunburn, and insect bites, should you be unlucky to get any. It also leaves clothes smelling clean and fresh when you hand wash.

The hand-crafted soap-making process retains naturally occurring glycerin that creates the silky feel typically associated with real handmade soap. In contrast, mass-produced commercial soaps have had all the naturally occurring glycerin
removed, and the result is that they tend to dry the skin rather than moisturise it.

Use on all skin types and conditions.

Tip: don't let your handmade soap lie in a puddle of water. If kept dry after use, it will last much longer.

4oz Neem Oil Soap for $6.25
Neem Oil Soap Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by

NeemWell Creams, Lotions Oil, Leaves and Shampoo
are safe for topical use on all age groups.
Neem leaf capsules should not be given to
anyone under the age of 14

Our products are to support healing,
not to replace a practitioner.
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provided by

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