
  County Council




The Role of Kilkenny County Council

As the local authority for the County, the Council provides a broad range of services to the Community. With a total population of over 75,000 people, making sure that the County runs smoothly and that services function effectively is a considerable task. The County Council serves the County as a whole for a number of services, and the County Health District (which excludes
the City Area) for the full range of Local Authority services. The Council employs approximately 500 personnel.

 Services are provided under eight programme group headings:

bulletHousing and Building
bulletRoad Transportation and Safety
bulletWater Supply and Sewerage
bulletDevelopment Incentives and Control
bulletEnvironmental Protection
bulletRecreation and Amenity
bulletAgriculture , Education, Health and Welfare
bulletMiscellaneous Services.

The collective aim is to ensure a high standard of service delivery so that Kilkenny will continue to offer its’ citizens the quality of life they have come to expect and the tourist and investor will be impressed by a County that is encouraging more and more people to make Kilkenny both a home and a workplace.

Opening hours

Headquarters: County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny.
Telephone: 056-52699
Fax: 056-63384 / 056-64316
E-mail: secretar@kilkennycoco.ie

Public Hours:

General Offices: 9.00am - 1.00pm and 2.00pm - 5.00pm
Receipts Section: 9.00am - 1.00pm and 2.00pm - 5.00pm
Motor Taxation: 9.30am - 4.00pm
Planning Section 10.00am - 1.00pm and 2.00pm - 4.00pm

Fire Brigade H.Q. Gaol Road, Kilkenny. Tel: (056) 22292

Area Offices Telephone No:
Callan 056-25365
Castlecomer 056-41251 / 056-41106
Kilkenny 056-52699
Newrath 051-74649
Thomastown 056-24 156

Kilkenny County Council is at present developing its own comprehensive website. You can access it at www.kilkennycoco.ie


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