


The following is a list of photographic collections available in the Local Studies Department

Lawrence Collection (1901) - City and County of Kilkenny
Lawrence Reproduction (1990) - City and County of Kilkenny
Crawford Collection (1946) - Kilkenny City.
The Valentine Collection (1950’s) - Kilkenny City
Miscellaneous Collection of Photographs from the 1920’s to 1960’s of Life in Kilkenny City and County.
Aerofilms - Aerial Photographs (mid 1960’s)
Amenity Study Photographs - Bolton Street Student’s Survey (1970) - Kilkenny City 
Bord Failte Photographs (mid 1970’s) - Kilkenny City and County.
Industrial Archaeological Survey Photographs of Kilkenny City and County.
Mason Slides
Victorian Photograph Album of Kilkenny - Scenes and People

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