Civil Survey
Down Survey 1655-57
1659 Census
Tithe Applotment
1901 Census
1911 Census
Parish Registers
Electoral Registers
Other Sources
Griffith's Valuation
Survey and Distribution

Genealogical Sources


Kilkenny County Library aims to offer all people with Kilkenny antecedents access to various Genealogical sources to trace their ancestry.

We provide free access to our sources, their are charges for reproduction of materials subject to copyright restrictions. Visitors to our Library Heaadquaters are welcome to consult these sources.

We provide an advisory service to people wishing to trace their ancestry world-wide, who cannot visit our facilities.

You can contact us by post at 'Local Studies's Department, Kilkenny County Library, 6 John's Quay, Kilkenny, by fax at 056 70233, or by e-mail at katlibs@iol.ie

The following genealogical sources are provided as a guide for researching family history and provide a useful starting point for genealogical research.

These sources are available for consultation in the Local Studies Department, located at Library Headquarters, John’s Quay, Kilkenny.

Please select from the links on the left for the source taht you are interested in.

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