Last Updated:12 March, 2002

Past Pupils


Kevin Sherwin

Why Enjoyed/Not Enjoyed: enjoyed such things as Set-Dancing and working with the Women’s Centre staff. I didn’t enjoy dull subjects such as Environment Studies.

What Achieved: I achieved a heightened maturity from the year. I was able to relax after the stress of the Junior Cert. and was also better prepared for the Leaving Cert.

Fondest Memories: I remember the people and the laughs more fondly than any subject or project.

Do It Again?: Yes, definitely


Damien Hall

Why Enjoyed/Not Enjoyed: Break from the routine of normal school

What Achieved: Time To mature

Fondest Memories: So many good chances to slag Conor Kelly. Air Corps for a week (work experience)

Do It Again?: Yes


David Carberry

Why Enjoyed/Not Enjoyed: Helped me mature and get focused on Leaving Cert.

What Achieved: Work experience helped me decide which career to choose as well as helping with my 5th year options.

Fondest Memories: The Hill Walks we went on were very enjoyable

Do It Again?: Yes, definately. I’d like to be finished school now but don’t regret doing TY at all.



Keith Mooney

Why Enjoyed/Not Enjoyed: I did enjoy it but I regret doing it now because I could be finished school.

What Achieved: Not much

Fondest Memories: All of the trips out and when visitors came to talk to us. I enjoyed the last day.

Do It Again?: No



Why Enjoyed/Not Enjoyed: I did enjoy it because it was the first time I had been to an Irish school. The main problem was that I didn’t have any English at all at the time

Fondest Memories: The Irish Dancing was very interesting

Do It Again?: Yes, it gave me the chance to improve on certain skills and also gave me more experience of school life in Ireland



Ian Campbell

Why Enjoyed/Not Enjoyed: I didn’t enjoy it because I felt I got too much homework

What Achieved: Nothing apart from doing the Maths Leaving Cert. course

Fondest Memories: Making a film, going to the girls school twice, wax museum, 40 foot

Do It Again?: No



Lorcan Roche

Why Enjoyed/Not Enjoyed: I enjoyed having to do work on my own, community placement, work experience and making new friends

What Achieved: A greater ability to work by myself, a sense of what I want to do in later life and a better ability to talk to people and make new friends

Fondest Memories: I’d have to say going on the James Joyce Tour with Conor Kelly

Do It Again?: I wouldn’t repeat the year but if I was back in 3rd year I would definitely do TY


David Rowan

Why Enjoyed/Not Enjoyed: Going to Colaiste Bride, visitors coming to talk to us, making a video and going on trips

What Achieved: I’m more prepared for the leaving cert. and now know how to apply for a job.

Fondest Memories: Making the video, going on tours

Do It Again?: Yes




This page has been prepared by Alan Burke who devised the interview sheet on which the comments are based.

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