We, Leanne and Marion, have decided to remain anonymous to make sure no-one knows who we are!
(Read our auto biographies here!)
Panthouse™ is our ideal magazine, and since there wasn't one available we decided to make one ourselves,
featuring naked men, Thank You!
This website contains many fascinating articles written by us concerning
"Vince McMahons rise to power(in a sexual way)"
"HHH's left and right buttock. Compare and contrast!" and many more!
These can all be found on the articles page!
Another feature of the website is the "Dibs system explained" and the official Dibs list of Marion, Leanne and Laura.
Not to be missed! These are on the Dibs page.
There are also many diagrams including the mechanics of the "bulge bra"™
and the original hand drawn front cover of "Panthouse"™
And there is the ever growing self portaits drawn by ourselves and many of the High Stools
other patrons.
Another very important aspect of panthouse is "The Panthouse Punishments!"
And the "what if Marion and Leanne.........." page.Self explanatory.
We hope you enjoyed our naked man site, so sign our guest book and tell us how great we both are
for doing this single-handedly in really hard HTML!
Y'all come back now y'here∞