pregnancy counselling service in NW Mon 20/06/2005
By Deborah Condon
A new pregnancy counselling service has been launched
in the north west by the Irish Family Planning
Association (IFPA). The service will be open to
any women in the region and their partners, who
are experiencing a crisis pregnancy.
The service, which will operate from Sligo and
Letterkenny, is non-directive, which means that
the counsellor does not give an opinion or form
a judgement. All counselling sessions are completely
confidential. Women will be given information
on all of the options open to them.
"The introduction of these services in the north
west will give women an additional choice of service
provider when accessing crisis pregnancy counselling",
said Rosie Toner, director of the IFPA's counselling
services. The service will also provide counselling
and support for women who have had an abortion.
"When women return home after a termination, we
encourage them to have a post-abortion check up.
During this check up, they can discuss their future
contraception needs so that further crisis pregnancies
can be avoided. The IFPA can advise women of doctors
in their area who will carry out post-abortion
checks", Ms Toner explained.
The service, which is free of charge, is funded
by the Crisis Pregnancy Agency. Appointment must
be made through the IFPA's national pregnancy
helpline, which operates during office hours,
Monday to Friday. Call 1850 49 50 51.