clinic issues safe sex warning after hepatitis
B outbreak
Examiner 29.06.2005
By Alan Good
A CLINIC in Cork has dealt with more cases of
a sexually transmitted disease in recent months
than anywhere else in the country. Doctors at
the Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinic
at the South Infirmary Victoria Hospital have
dealt with eight cases of hepatitis B since early
"Such numbers of hepatitis B cases have not been
seen anywhere else in the country - I would urge
people to get vaccinated as hepatitis B is a preventable
disease," said Dr Mary Horgan, consultant in infectious
diseases. "This is a very worrying trend that
is particularly evident in young men in their
20s and early 30s who are holidaying in destinations
like Thailand. I cannot emphasise enough the importance
of practicing safe sex in order to avoid contracting
an STI and other diseases such as HIV."
Hepatitis B is more than 100 times more infectious
than HIV, and can lead to cancer of the liver.
One-third of adults who contract it will have
no visible symptoms of the disease. A spokesperson
for the Southern Gay Men's Health Project (SGMHP)
warned that practicing safe sex did not guarantee
not contracting the disease. "As hepatitis B is
so infectious and there is no effective cure for
it, we would urge people to get the vaccine, which
is available for free from STD clinics or privately
from GPs," said the spokesperson. "It has proven
to be highly successful, with five years protection
once immunity has been reached, and is the only
way of preventing contraction."
The increase in hepatitis B cases is mirrored
by figures from the HSE's STD clinics in Cork
and Kerry, that show a mammoth 2,300% increase
in some STDs over the past 10 years. In 1993,
there were 15 instances of chlamydia in the region,
compared to 356 in 2003, while cases of ano-genital
warts rose from 165 to 611 in the same period.