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 Portarlington GAA Club

CĂșil An tSudaire

port gaa ground
Here is a panoramic picture of the grounds of Portarlington taken from the New Stand. Click on the picture to have a look! On the left you can see SIAC / Butlers Steel plant in the distance and on the right of the picture is our impressive sports hall with a full size basketball court, stage and large dressing rooms along with numerous meeting rooms.

SFC County Final Replay in Portlaoise,  October 28 2001

It took two meetings to decide on a winner of the Laois Campaign for Senior honors 2001. Click here to read reports on the Laois and Leinster campaign.

sf1.jpg (14248 bytes) Hugh Emerson being held up with the ball on another attack  as Kevin McCann waits for the pass sf2.jpg (14218 bytes)
skilla.jpg (6962 bytes) Kenneth 'Skillit' Hoey breaking from defense on his way to goal.  kevin Mccann.jpg (10260 bytes)

sf4.jpg (9904 bytes)

Victory!!! All smiles!! Adrian Phelan being congratulated by team members  sf5.jpg (7411 bytes)
sf3.jpg (11097 bytes) Port 2001 SFC Laois Champs!!


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